
Saturday, December 18, 2010

New surroundings

This week I have packed up most of my things and semi moved out of California to Utah. Yeah I know it's Utah and most people have given me a lot of crap about it. One thing that they really don't realize is that the job market in California really sucks right now and I can't get a job any where. And after 6 months of that it gets a little depressing. Writing my novel has helped a lot as well as writing for TALI. Since the holidays are rolling around and Sundance Film Festival soon after means that I'm going to be in Utah anyways, so why spend the money on traveling back and forth? So I am now living with some family up here and once Sundance is done will reevaluate things and decide if I should stay or go back to California.

I will admit that deciding to come here even for a two months was really hard. Half of my extended family lives up here and most of my close family lives in California and hate Utah. The fact that they all are upset and don't understand what I'm doing is really frustrating.

So here I am giving it a shot. My cat at my side making sure I don't lose my sanity and going to see if I find a job. If I do great, I'll stay. If not. Well I can always go back to California.

The drive up here was a long one at about 11 hours long, and with a cat who gets car sick wasn't super fun. The first three hours of the drive is very bumpy and made the kitty not happy. Lets say that I had to pull over several times to clean up the carrier. Poor kitty was such a trooper after surviving all of that. She was half asleep the rest of the way and made sure I was wide awake for the rest of the drive. Needless to say that once we got here we were both more than happy to be out of the car. Most cats would be hell to live with after that, but in the last five years my cat has lived with me and my sister (when I wasn't allowed pets in my apt while in school) she has done road trips from Cali to New Mexico, New Mexico to Portland and back, and then New Mexico to Utah and Utah to Cali. I'm sure I'm missing a few, other road trips. Lets just say that between the two of us we have moved around a lot. Ok I'm done talking about my cat and how amazing she is. Such a good little supervisor kitty.

Well I should really be editing. I was wanting to get my novel edited in time for Christmas and well at this pace its not looking like I can get it done. But I'm still going to work my butt off and try to get it done.

Hope you all have a happy holidays.

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