
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Character Body Insecurities

This past week has apparently been the week where I write all the sex scenes in my book in one go. While I was working on them, yes as in more than one, I realized one thing when I look female characters are insecure in their bodies at first. This doesn't just go for my current work in progress but my contemporary as well. Which got me thinking about other books I've read. And more times than not my characters aren't alone in their insecurities.

It's not the insecurities of what will this person or others think of me for the fact that I'm having sex, that I'm enjoying it, or that they are willing to do more than just missionary position. My characters have no shame when it comes to sex. It's good. They like it. A lot. And are willing to try different positions and in different places.

No these are insecurities in their bodies. The fact that they are all curvy and end up with men that they consider to be out of their league body wise, meaning why would a guy with six pack abs want to be with a girl with a tummy that giggles and whose clothing size aren't in the single digit range, means nothing to the men. It isn't until after that first or second time that their man comes to them with a hard-on without any stimulation from their female counter parts and that they have their way with their body for them to realize that they like their significant other just the way they are.

My female characters aren't timed women who can't make up their minds. No, they are strong women who know what they want in life and go for it. They just happen to be 'broken' when it comes to their personal relationships with men. Which in reality is a normal thing for us women to wonder why a man who we deem as attractive would want to sleep with us, let alone spend more time with us when all we see is every blemish.

Here's what I've come to the conclusion to this question is. It's normal to doubt yourself. To only see the negative things about yourself. To compare yourself to other women, both in real life and the media when in reality we are seeing something that isn't there. Everyone has their insecurities and doubts about why someone would care about them when they only see the negative. For the most part I think that this is bred and berated into us from the media. And it sucks! It doesn't matter what size you are. The big thing is confidence. If you feel hot and sexy, then you are hot and sexy. If you feel it then you are.

Sounds a whole lot easier than it is.

Over the years actress and models have been getting smaller and smaller while the average American is what? 5ft 6 in and a size 14. Well let me tell you something Marilyn Monroe was a size 14. Boom. Just blew your mind didn't I.

Still we put pressure on ourselves to be perfect and well the reality is that we need reassurance from our lovers that they want us, imperfections and all. And if that rolls over into a more personal relationship other than sex then we need reassurance as to why you want us more then just our bodies.

Personally I write my female leads of being more on the curvy side of the scale. They are tall and curvy cause that is what I relate to. And if I'm going to spend so much time into a persons head I need something to connect to and that is one of them for me. They will always have that pestering self doubt but after they feel comfortable with their partners, oh it is on. They hold nothing back as it should be.

Breaking that insecurity with their partners is a liberating feeling. One that they haven't been able to concur with other people. It's also a thing that when they look back they still can't believe that they are with this man who loves them. Not just for the good parts but for their attitude, curves and all. It's what makes them an individual. It's what makes it possible for a reader to connect with the character. Cause we all know what it is like to have doubts about oneself. Especially when we are naked in front of another person. Literally.

But don't get me wrong, as soon as they get that hurtle covered, it is on. No longer do they have to be the one pursued. They are now confident enough to go for something that they want whenever they want it. Yes, I'm talking sex here. This makes their partners very happy at that. Not that the guys don't mind initiating sex all the time. They are already confident enough to go after their business dreams. That they've never doubted themselves in.

Cause even when we know/think the other person likes us enough to sleep with us when it comes down to the getting naked part we all to, 'oh, shit what if they change their mind. What if they don't like what they see?' Well let's put it this way. You are a naked. If they walk away from you then, reality is it will hurt yet in the end it's probably for the better. But more times than not they are excited that they have a naked person in front of them that wants to get down and dirty. Not many people will turn that down.

So I will continue to fight the insecurity that I share, all women share, with my characters as they go in to relationships with men that they think is out of their league. But let me tell you something male characters have doubts too. They wonder how they lucked out with the crazy loud mouth lady who they are head over heals for, when they themselves are loud mouth men who are set in their ways. They wonder if they will be good enough to keep them around and if they are pushing the comfort zones too much cause they want to be around the other so much they want to burst.

Here's what I've discovered in writing sex scenes. Not only is it used to fight insecurities. It's used for reassuring each other. It's used to show how much they care for the other. To distract from the problems in their lives. It's used for so much more than just pleasure. It's used as a way to express one's self when they can't find the right words to do so. And writing a good sex scene is a lot harder than one would think.

Well I've personally learned a lot about my characters from writing these scenes and hope that they don't come across as just gratuitous sex. As much as that's not a bad thing in real life, in a novel it just gets boring if it doesn't move a story along. I shall now head back to writing and battle insecurities of my characters. Just thought I'd share something that I'd noticed recently.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Quality vs Quantity

This week I've been thinking about business and what it takes to succeed. I'm not talking about just one business here, but in general. And with that I've only realized, again, that it's about the quality of work that is done, not the quantity of work that maters. Hear me out here. I'm a firm believer that there is also one other key aspect to keep your business running with the big Q, being consistent.

Without being consistent in anything that you are doing then you are not going to keep people coming back to use your product. If you keep turning out consistent work at a high quantity that's a poor quality, then you will get attention, but not for the right reasons.

Now here's the mind blowing thing that I've learned with helping a friend with an online magazine, that was an EPIC concept, you have to hit steps A-Z to get to that big goal you have. If you skip B-Y and try to do the same things the big boys that are already established and have fought there way through those steps, you aren't going to make it.

If you keep turning out consistent quality work, even if it takes longer than everyone else, people are going to keep coming back to you. You're going to have built yourself a fan base, or whatever you want to call it, and they will wait for that product that you put out, cause they know exactly when it's coming and that it will be worth the wait. If you are putting out work that is okay, great even, but not even close to a semblance of time schedule you are going to lose people. Don't flood the market and then disappear only to return randomly to repeat the same thing. It's confusing and people aren't going to care when you come back cause they are just going to be overwhelmed and frustrated cause they'd rather have less but given it consistently. Don't be a tsunami of products. Be a stream, always flowing even if it's only a small trickle at times. Something is better than nothing. 

Since, I'm making my way into the publishing world one way or another, hopefully behind the scenes and as a writer, this means that you have to set deadlines for your goals. I'm not talking about you have to be on the NY Times bestseller list in one years time. That's not possible unless you are that freakish .01% that comes out of no where. It happens, just never overnight...mostly.

Anyways, deadlines. Set them. I'm talking for everything you do. That means, consistently reaching your deadline/goal of posting a blog a week or however many you want. Getting that word count or chapters written, or having a specific time frame where you will write uninterrupted word count be damned as long as you spent that x amount of time on your current work.

By setting these deadlines in both your writing and in social media/blogging you are showing that you can keep to a deadline with putting the best work you can out there. Like everything else in life you will always continue to improve on something that you are consistently working on. By putting yourself out there with quality blogs and social media, that you don't spam everyone on earth, while you work on that wip, you are proving that when you do get a book deal you can handle all that comes with it, cause you already are.

There is that work again. Consistency.

No one is perfect. And there are few that can put out quality work that is in a quantity that only a few can obtain. Which reminds me of what an author once told me once. Don't try to be Nora Roberts. She's an alien not of this work. That woman can turn out so many books a year it's mind blowing. Don't try to be someone else. Be your own voice and you will find an audience that is dying to hear or read what you are saying.

I may only have been in the accounting construction world for my working career, but these things go with that as well. You aren't necessarily turn out quality work if you are pushing to reach a goal that has a quantity of work so high it's impossible to consistently have any hint of quality in there.

As I make my way into the publishing world, I want to be known for my quality of work. And for the consistency of that work. So, here I am sticking to my deadline of one blog post a week that goes up on the weekend. Is it perfect? Hell, no. No one is perfect. But I'm putting my best foot forward without over thinking it to the point it holds me back. In the end, I'm being consistently me. And I'm more than happy about that.

Now that I've talked about how consistent quality of work has been bugging me all week, I'm going to head off here for time time and get back to my work in progress. Cause I've set my goal and I'm going to reach it. And sitting here on my blog isn't going to have my book write itself. Though how cool would it be if there was a button you could push and download the book you have in your head. Life isn't that easy though. With that I bid you farewell, keep up with your goals and I can't wait to read your work one day.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

That Gut Feeling

You know the one that I'm talking about. That feeling that's deep down in your gut that tells you if you're heading in the right direction when your rational mind has over analyzed things to the point you can't tell what's up or down. This Gut feeling is one that I've come to listen to in the last few years without a doubt. It's told me that the risks I've taken were worth taking, and it's protected me from the times when I thought it was too good to be true, that it was in fact too good to be true and would have pulled me down a path that no one wants to go through.

Why you ask am I talking about this Gut feeling? What has gotten me to contemplate this instinct that so many of us ignore many of the time? Well, I've been thinking about the dreams that we each have for ourselves and what it takes to turn them into a reality. Which then led me to these questions, is it possible to have too many dreams that you want to achieve at once, and are there dreams that are more important that others, if so how do we chose those to become a reality and those that don't.

Deep, I know. I have my moments.

Sitting here in my room with my feet sticking out of under my ever present lap blanket to stay off the San Francisco summer, which is always more like winter, and I'm listening to my Gut as my rational/responsible side argues with my free spirit/devil side.

And the gist of what I've come to the conclusion is this:

You can never dream too much. Never once should you have to give those dreams up. For which ones you should chase down that's when you have to listen to your Gut. The bases of this whole thing is to never give up on your dreams. Even when it comes to rearranging which ones you put at the top of your priority list, which usually is the easiest achievable of the bunch.

If something is too good to be true more times than not it is. Don't let your excitement of something happening over shadow that gut feeling if you should follow through with what's going on. Case in point the ever classic, the photographer and model. If you pay me x dollars to take your photos you'll be a star overnight, oh and while you're at it why not take your top off too. Yea, don't let your excitement stop you from listening to your gut that says 'um, maybe this isn't right, maybe you should wait.'

Sometimes our dreams change over time and that's fine. Sometimes we fail. That's when you get back up. Brush yourself off and keep going. And for those that tell you that your dreams aren't valid. That you are going to fail. Well, fuck them. They aren't their dreams. They are yours own them. Be proud that you're taking a step towards making them into a reality.

Yes, I'm in a contemplative mood, but here's why... I have a lot of dreams. Dreams that I'm actively working on turning into a reality. Personally those dreams all happen to fall into my career path. Which also aren't just one job. What? You want more than one job? Let me put it this way. I want to be in publishing. Period. As a writer. As an Acquisitions editor. As an Agent. Will all these happen? Most likely not. But I do want to to make one of the last two happen while I enjoy writing in my free time. Being all three at the same time isn't going to happen but here's what I want. I want to help those like minded people, like myself, who enjoy creating worlds to get their work out there for everyone to enjoy.

I may not be the best writer in the world but one thing is for god damn sure. I love books. I love seeing and being around those who are passionate about what they do. And my gut is telling me that one day, somehow I will be able to say I'm apart of that process.

Never will I give up my dreams of writing. And never will I give up my dreams of being apart of the publishing process in other ways. It's possible to have all your dreams come true.

Or so my Gut says so. And so far when it's come to business my Gut hasn't let me down. Even in the times that I recognize that I didn't listen to it. I picked myself up, shook my head at myself for ignoring my Gut and moved on.

So listen to your Gut. Listen to it when it says to take that flying leap off that metaphorical cliff to follow your dreams. Cause guess what? More times that not that leap of faith that your Gut is telling you what to do will pay out of the better. Might get a few bumps and bruises, but then again what's life without the struggles.

With music blaring through my headphones as I write this, my Gut is loud and clear. It's saying, 'keep going. Keep taking those risks. Keep putting yourself out there, even with the doubts in my back of your head and friends that don't get it. There is light at the end of the tunnel you just happen to have to dig said tunnel with a spork (yea I threw in a Spork instead of spoon, cause they are so much better).' Even with my rational mind trying to over think things, you have to listen to that Gut feeling. Cause you know what? If I listened to my rational controlled mind I'd never reach my goals and life would be boring.

And well, I like playing with my imaginary friends and those imaginary friends that other put down on the page for me to enjoy as well.

Thus ends my deep pondering thoughts for the day. I'm going to now go watch a movie with robots and monsters now. Cause my Gut told me to. And when it says to watch a movie about robots and monsters in the same movie, who am I to argue.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Music has become a major part of my writing. Some people need total silence when they create. I'm not one of them. I need my headphones and music playing in my ears.

I can write in public with people walking by chatting about anything and everything. I can sit in any room of my apartment to get pages done, but here's the big thing I need music playing. Usually in headphones. The only thing that I find that I can't do even with headphones is write in my living room/dining room turned library when roommates are up and about. Even with headphones I find it difficult to get pages done. Yes, even when I write in my room I put headphones on. Odd I know but somehow with headphones it helps me push the outside world away.

But how can you write in a crowded place with people walking about but not with roommates in your own place? Well...strangers don't talk to me....or usually they don't. Roommates who are some of my best friends and been house mates for years, we talk to each other. Our lives are busy so when our paths cross we can talk for hours. And since I like writing in our little library that means I'm in the perfect talk to me place. *palm face* If I knew better I'd avoid it, but hey I gotta catch up with friends one way or another. So to fix this on weekends I wake up early to get work done before they wake up. That way I can get the best of both worlds.

I's what I was talking about. I use everything from Pandora to itunes to iheartradio to youtube to find music that fits what I'm working on.

I don't stick to just one type of music that I can use at all times. Depending on if I'm writing, editing and scene is what defines what I listen to. One thing that I do have that is consistent is what while editing I tend to listen to music with little to no lyrics and usually leans towards dance/technopop. The way that I've come to understand why is that it sets up a consistent beat that I read to and the lyrics don't pull me out of my own words. I've tried oratorical music before but it doesn't feel right.

I even have "writers block music", but I will never confess to what I go to for those desperate moments of I want to write can't seem to get it on to the page. I may have an random taste of music but I will say this...I will deny to everyone and anyone what I listen to for a last resort. Yes, I'm pulling the, "If I told you, I'd have to kill you," moment.

As for writing for the last few months I've been on a Florence and the Machine, Elle Golding, Calvin Harris, and the soundtrack to Pitch Perfect kick. I've also found that remixes usually work as well.

Right now I'm currently taking a mini-break from Mackenzie Falls edits after getting too frustrated with it, and am working on a rewrite/edit of my unnamed Paranormal/Urban Fantasy. Here's what I've got on repeat as of right now just so you can get a small peak into my random musically taste.

-Breathe Me by Sia
-Too Close by Alex Clare
-Somebody to Love by Maroon 5
-Gorecki - Lamb
-Eyes by Kaskade featuring Mindy Gledhill
-Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
-Skyscraper by Demi Lovado
-Cups by Anna Kendrick
-Sweet Nothing Mix by Calvin Harris and Florence and the Machine
-Halcyon by Ellie Golding
-Seven Devils by Florence and the Machine
-Summertimes Sadness by Lana Del Rey
-Promises by Nero
-I remember by Deadmau5 & Kaskade

Well there you go. Some of my random musical mix that I've been writing too. I'm curious...what do you guys listen to when you write? Do you have go to music or radio station that you listen to when you create? Or do you put on a movie in the background and write away? Curious minds are dying to know.

Now that I have my random musical blog done, I shall now try to get this scene that is bugging me cleaned up. Progress, progress, progress, it must be done in order to keep from sitting still and dwelling on everything that isn't being done.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July

Today is the day that here in the U.S. that we celebrate our Independence. No not the movie where Will Smith and Bill Pullman save the world from Aliens. It is on July 4th that we honor this countries break from England and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence that still is the basic building block of what our country has become today.

To celebrate this day of Independence and freedom many of us have the day off to honor that. Personally I like to think this is also a minor celebration for those who are still fighting for our freedoms that helps us keep our freedoms that are defined in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. Though we are still working on equality we have come far from the day the original document was signed so many years ago. If it weren't for the men and women for both the military, police, fire fighters, and all first responders, our country would be what it is today.

While there are still issues that we are fighting for when it comes to our rights, specifically right now for gay rights and women's rights to their own body, I am glad to be called an American. No one country is perfect and neither are we, but there are few other countries that I would like to call home. And no matter where in the world I may be one thing is true. I am proud to be an American and the accomplishments that we have done along with some of the most amazing things that some of the people have been able to achieve while here. It's those people who give their lives for our country that make me shine with pride to be from where they call him.

Personally I've been a firm believer that home is where the heart is...and America will always have a piece of my heart.

Have a safe and happy holiday! Enjoy the time with your family watching fireworks, parades, and BBQing.

Happy 4th of July!