
Saturday, December 28, 2013

White Christmas

Last year when I pulled into the long term parking at the airport I got the message that my flight was cancelled with no way out of town until I'd literally would spend 24 hours visiting family. This year I was nervous that the same thing would happen again and I'd end up alone in my apt. Alas the odds were in my favor and not only did I catch my flight but I had my white Christmas. For years it has become a bit of a tradition that I spend my Christmas with my Mother and visiting all my family that live in the Utah area. It's always great catching up with them and seeing just how much there own families have grown.

The Christmas Onezie while sick
Not only was luck in my favor but I got to see my sister and her husband for more than a few minutes as they took off to visit his family out of state not too long after I arrived. That we all got to open presents early together and hang out was one of the best presents I could have gotten. It wasn't until I was there that I realized just how much I needed to be surrounded by my family and extended family. With wild and crazy munchkins running around, with my grand mother watching on as almost all 22 great grand kids run around causing the usual chaos. Four generations in all in one place is amazing.

View from my room in Park City
Minor detail that I had to figh
t off the altitude sickness that last almost as long as I'm there I have to say that it was a pretty awesome time seeing everyone. Even got up to Park City where every year my mother takes me on a tour around her home town telling me about everything and everything. I can practically recite the stories myself, still I let her go on about how that was the rail that she broke her arm on sliding down it. Or that the road that leads to Deer Valley Ski resort used to be the red light district when Park City was a small minor town.

And of course as we drive down Park City Main St in there historic district we drive up to Zoom Restaurant owned by Robert Redford and my mom grins. For this was the house that my mom grew up in for years. It was the old Pacific Rail Road Depot that my Grandfather once worked in as the family lived upstairs. They were the last family before the Depot shut down. There are many memories for my mom and her family here and I love that she still gets excited to tell me stories how she would stomp on the top floor trying to get her fathers attention to help her with something. Or that she noticed that the windows had changed. Or that she used to crawl out the bad window of her room to go play with friends when she had gotten in trouble.

Train Depot turned Restaurant in Park City
Overall the trip was well worth going negative in my vacation time. I even got to see my dad as he was about to leave town the day I flew back. Note to self and anyone else: Never take the first flight in and then go directly to work. You will be exhausted and hopped up on so much caffeine that it's probably not the best idea. Awake at 2am and going till late in the night I was anything but productive. Though I did get a good chunk of work done.

I'd planned on getting some writing done while I was visiting my mom and in Park City, alas I didn't even open my laptop. Which in the end was probably a good idea, cause I couldn't even think straight let alone put good words down. Though I did read Tiffany Resiz The Angel while there. Which is an EPIC book. I love that woman's writing. She pushes boundaries with such ease it doesn't feel forced.  I recommend it to everyone who's like 50 Shades of Grey and want a good BDSM novel. I like to call her work Literary Smut. All the great writing of literature with plenty of steamy sex.

Anyways, I hope you all had a great holiday. With the year coming to an end it's time to get the resolutions together along with the goals I'm determined to reach. I can't wait for it to start cause I know it will be a big year for me and I get to share it all with you all. I know you're excited too for all the announcements I will get to make. I know I'm a tease. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Holiday Season

I'm sitting here in a 24 hour Starbucks that I've come to start writing in on weekends and Christmas is right around the corner. This past Holiday Season has been nothing close to normal. My day job only closes for a short amount of time and with all the travel I've done this year I've been without time off for a while now as I try to build up my hours for more travel in the summer months where I will be traveling for writing, which I love, but having to go without pay or in the negative hours to go see family sucks.

With no time off other than the office holiday hours and lack of funds I found myself alone for Thanksgiving. It's not the worst of things to have happened since Thanksgiving hasn't always been a huge holiday for my divided family. Christmas on the other hand has always been more meaningful for my mother, as I've always spent that specific holiday with her, and with my flight being cancelled with no flights till after the holidays  being forced to stay in the city alone this year I didn't want that to happen again. Alas with no vacation time other than a half day on Christmas Eve and the whole day on Christmas flying out to Utah for my white Christmas was looking harder and harder to make happen without breaking the bank.

After weight out the options and costs of everything I came to the conclusion that it would be better if I stay in the city. Not break my wallet for 24 hours or less of seeing family, and just have a holiday at my apartment alone. Then the tears hit. I already knew my boss would let me take as much time off as I wanted with the holidays to see family. He's extremely family oriented and spending time with family is extremely important to him. There isn't away that he would let me miss this out. Which I think made the whole situation all the harder. How can you choose between work and family when no matter what everyone is extremely understanding of whatever decision you make.

I'll let you in on a little secrete, my family is full of criers. I joke with my mom that it's all her fault that I can cry so easily-- happy, sad, mad, frustrated, exhausted -- you name it we will cry. And I HATE crying, especially in public/in front of people.

Anyways back to my story, so each time I started talking about Christmas and that I've decided that I've made up my mind that I'm going to stay in the city. It's the busiest time of the year at my day job, so I have to stay, I would bust out in tears. Not sobbing, just a lump in my throat and a few streaking tears. Not bad, but it kept happening. Then when I had to tell my Mom, who was understanding and was even going to fly out here for her week off, (which she knew she would spend most of it alone since I'd be working), the really sobbing happened. Good thing I was alone when this happened otherwise people would really hate to see me ugly cry. We'd come to the conclusion that I'd talk to my boss one more time and do one more analysis of all the options I had (yea I do this a lot) and talk at the end of the week.

Not surprising I freaked my boss out as the words "I need to go home," and I fought tears back. He kept asking what was happening, was something wrong that he didn't know about, what could he do. Which only made me laugh and cry even more. That's when it hit me, I really needed to go home, which is funny cause I never considered Utah home. My extended family lives there, and my mother since I was 13, and now my sister and her husband have been there for the past couple of years. Some how I had made that place home without knowing it and I needed that freezing white Christmas and warm hugs from my mom and big sister.

I needed to go home. It's crazy just how much all you need is the warmth and refreshing welcome of family, to get away from the stress of every day life. As much as a stay-cation is nice, it's different when  you go to a place where real life can fade away for a while. When I realized this I decided to screw responsibility, I'll take a pay cut or go in the negative for vacation time, I needed to go home. So, with some crazy early flights out of a different airport I found away to not break the bank and limit my vacation time while getting in some quality time with my mother and sister and her husband. Some how I'm making it work and for once I'm not dreading the holidays. The tears are gone and I get a white Christmas.

Here is the moral of the story, find your home, and don't sacrifice things that in the long run don't really matter. Yes a job is important, but more times than not family is more important. Don't let the winter depression or dreaded holidays pull you down. Go do something that means something to you. My work ethic makes me feel bad that I'm missing out on some work, but in the end I'll feel like crap even more if I don't see some of the people that make all the worries of life go away.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season full of happy tears and plenty of joy. I know that even with the stress of traveling out of state, that I will enjoy this Christmas more than I have in a long time. And yes I'm insane taking the first flight out both ways before the sun even comes out to greet the world, but worth it all!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Exploring Essential Oils

In the past I'd talked about some stomach issues that I battle with. In the last three months I've found out about essential oils. Specifically from my sister who uses them with her massage clients. Since my sister, E, her husband, and my cousin have become distributors (no not like drug dealers, get that out of your head) I've really started to dive in to exploring all the uses of essential oils, and I have to say that I'm hooked.

I had done a two months of doTerra's Life Long Vitality pack and while I was waiting for a new shipment to arrive I can tell you that I feel horrible. I knew that the vitamin combo had helped some with my stomach, but I hadn't realized just how much it affected other parts of my life. With out them I can tell you that I felt sluggish. I didn't sleep nearly as well. I was grumpy and my stomach issues have come back with a vengeance.

Let's put it this way, after going almost a month with out these I am now making sure that I will not go with out. Personally I'll take the horse size pills over feeling like crap. Life is stressful enough if these, and so far they have, help with my energy levels on top of keeping the flu bugs that come with winter away I will take them.

The company recommends that you take four of each, but let me tell you that with the size of the pills, I can't do that. Did it once and my stomach felt so full and gross I've changed it up. After talking with E, the athletic trainer and my go to person for all things health and wellness ( she agreed that it's fine to down the dosage. So, now I take two of each in the morning and at night. That way I have the healthy balance of the essential oils in my system. Which after feeling like hell for a few weeks, I stick to.

I find it amusing that I also now carry a small pack with sample vials of oils that I now use daily on top of my now daily vitamins. I always find it hilarious the looks I get when I pull out a small vial and put some drops of lemon or peppermint, or lavender, or OnGuard into my water or a drop on my wrist. There is still a lot that I want to learn about Essential Oils, and I've decided that you my lovely readers get to learn with me.

Like many women I hate dieting and the gross tasting health foods, but for some reason these essential oils seems less drastic. Maybe cause it's all natural therapeutic grade oils. Maybe it's cause I see the positive changed it's had my families lives. Maybe that's because I can now play apothecary and I'm not restricting myself in what I'm doing. Restricting I find that we all crash and burn harder than if we allow ourselves to partake in the tasty goodness of food that isn't so healthy. So if I can combat most of my sweet cravings (soda the most in exchange for peppermint or some other oils in my water) then I'll do it. Plus I like playing apothecary.

If you want to check out doTerra the company that I use, go a head. My mind was pretty much blown with all the different benefits and uses that these therapeutic oils can be used for. No they aren't a cure. No they don't fix everything. But they have made my life easier, and I don't like to push things on people that I don't or haven't used and enjoyed using.

And thus now end my talk about exploration of essential oils, specifically the Life Long Vitality pack that I am now hooked on. Don't worry it's a good hooked, not the bad kind....I can quit anytime I want. Just like reading, after I finish this one chapter.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Where the Work Really Begins

This past week I've been thinking a lot about the process of not only writing but of publishing. And writing that draft that is just clean enough to send off to the editor is only the first real step before all the work really begins. Especially if you are a first timer.

You write a first draft? awesome. You got through edits on your own as best you can get it? Even better. Got it sent to the right editor for you if you're going the self publishing route? High five. Now what do you do while you are waiting to get the revisions back? You get back to work instead of sitting on your hands waiting for what you need to fix, that's what. You also have to get ready for your release.

So, what exactly does that mean? It means it's time to come up with the official Title, the cover art, get your website up and running, you find your copy editor and all the other business aspects that a publishing house would do, if you are self publishing. Thinking about all of it is a little overwhelming if you ask me. But it's something that you have to get done if you want to do it the "right" way. And I want to do it the "right" way. If you want to make this your career you have to treat everything like a business, and that's exactly what this is my business.

I've set the bar at which I want to obtain and it's possible. I've looked at the whole picture, and breaking it down in to pieces make everything do able. Instead of seeing EVERYTHING, I see it in priorities. One thing that needs to be done at a time to be able to place it together. This makes the overwhelming process less intimidating.

Where am I in the whole where the work really begins process? I'm in the don't freak out and get to work part. Also known as writing the next book, searching for a copy editor, narrowing down which cover artist I want to use, and of course the waiting part. My editor officially has my manuscript and I'm trying to not think about all the good changes he is going to suggest.

Please not that I did say good changes. I fully expect my manuscript to be torn apart. Is it going to hurt? Fuck yes it is, but that's the point of the whole thing. You find someone who is going to help you tear it down to rebuild the whole thing into something better. You need that unbiased person that is there to make your work better. Cause no one is perfect. No one writes that perfect book right out the gate. It takes a team to develop a truly good novel. The author is only the starting point. And I think I'm starting to create a good team.

While it's my first time working with everyone it's a starting point, but I am a firm believer in following your gut instinct. And mine is telling me I'm heading in the right direction with the people that I'm choosing to work with.

Well, I better get back at it. After a few days off it's time to get back to work. Cause it's always easier to keep progress moving than coming to a stand still to restart again. Once you stop, it's always harder to start back up again, in my own opinion. That's when the doubt you fought off come back with a vengeance.

I'm so excited for this whole process and being able to share it with you all. Keep your ears open for announcements and details of how my journey is going. That's exactly what this is, a journey of a life time that not everyone gets to experience.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

For those in the U.S Happy Thanksgiving and for those who are celebrating Hanukkah! Today is a day that we all give thanks, eat way too much food, gather with family and friends, and then shop until we drop as the beginning of the Christmas season begins.

This year these are my biggest thanks: that I have a loving family that supports my dreams, for taking that fist big scary step towards succeeding in my dream, for being healthy, I have a great day job with some amazing co-workers and for those who serve our country every day to keep us safe.

For those that are traveling and staying up late please drive safe. There are far too many accidents that can be prevented, so please take care out there.

And while I'm not able to spend the day with my family, I'm going to spend it getting some writing done while the roomies are out of town. With my paranormal MS is off with the editor it's time to keep working on other projects. I have a contemporary in the first draft process, with one other in need of revisions, all that need my attention. The life of a writer, you gotta keep going and keep working on the next project. And I'm loving every second of it.

So, Happy Turkey Day and I hope you guys all have a fun holiday!

Saturday, November 16, 2013


...I am your Queen. With the looming deadline of sending my work to an editor coming soon I'm finding it harder and harder to focus. Wanting one last run through of the manuscript before I send it, I'm finding it like torture. Don't get me wrong. I love my story. I love my characters. I just want to fix everything, which is overwhelming. Seeing everything that I want or need to fix instead of taking it one step at a time is terrifying and feels a bit like you're drowning just barely able to keep your head above the water.

Refusing to let that overwhelming feeling chase away my determination to get this done, I find that I'm still procrastinating. Getting stuff done, yes, but procrastinating far more than I should be. As much as I'd like to blame it on feeling like I'm starting to get sick, I blame the carrier monkey (sick coworkers, you know who you are), but in reality it's not that.

Someone has said that great writers are also great procrastinators. I call shenanigans on that. Great writers are those who get shit done. They don't let the fear of failure, the fear of success, or distractions get in the way of getting their work done. Okay, not just done but to keep improving on what they do and getting it out to the public. Yes, writers are easily distracted at times, but if I was as great a procrastinator as I am a writer, then well I'd be farther along in my career that I currently am.

Over the week as I acknowledge how bad my inability to focus is, I realized something rather profound in my case. While yes I have ADD and do find it hard to focus at times, the underlaying reason I'm not glued to my MS every free moment I'm awake is fear.

What do I have to fear? A lot, but it's what you do with that fear that will determine the outcome of what you are trying to achieve. Wait, you still haven't talked about what you are afraid of exactly. Ok, you caught me I'm trying to avoid that question.

What is this avoidance? Isn't that what procrastination is? *ding ding ding ding* you got that right. I'm terrified of what my editor will say of my work. I'm ready to defend every decision I've made in it, but I've been on the defense for so long that I can't help this gut instinct. But here's the ironic thing, I'm so excited that I cant express it in words that I think I've found the right editor that I have confidence in everything that he will tell me about my work will only make it better. He wont tear me apart telling me that I should never have started writing in the first place. No, this person is here to teach me everything that I'm not able to fully comprehend from reading writing manuals.

Yet, there is an inherent fear of failure along with success. If I fail the only way I can go is up. But if I succeed, then the bar is set. With each and every book I do from then on I have to do better. Which is what I want to do. i want to keep improving, but what if I can't stand up to the standards that people have of me?

Hence where procrastination comes in. This is a way for my brain to compartmentalize what I'm feeling. What my brain hasn't quite understood yet is by putting of the work I should be doing I'm only building up what i have to do closer to the deadline. Which only putts more pressure and stress on myself. So, why am i do that to myself? Cause I'm a bit of a masochist. I need to feel something before I can pour myself completely into my work. While this works best when creating new work, I'm finding it harder to do with revisions.

So, here I am with one week to finish a crap ton of work before I can hit send on an email to my editor. Which is a huge step in my career path. I'm finally taking that big step to getting closer to publishing. Which is exactly what I want.

Procrastination will have no room in my schedule if I'm to get this done in time. Sorry my old friend procrastination, but I have something far more important to get done if I'm to battle the fear that you hold so dear.

Quick someone take my crown before I take it back! Don't let the fear and procrastination take over your life. Hopefully in next weekends update, I will be able to post a victorious "IT'S SENT!" post. No I take that back, I'm determined to get that post up and done next weekend. And with that I'm off to dive in to the nonstop work that I have to do.

I'm so glad that I can share this journey with you all, and it will be great to finally be able to post more about the progress I've made in my career. There is no stand still or steps back, just progress...and epic battles with procrastination.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Denim & Diamonds by Debbie Macomber

With a busy week I found that I was once again saved by listening to an audiobook while I drove on my commute to my day job. Try as I might I just couldn't finish reading the book I'm working on for my next review, while getting in writing time, and working the day job. This week was my very first Debbie Macomber novel, Denim & Diamonds, a contemporary romance set in Wyoming.

Letty Ellison comes home to her family's Wyoming ranch after spending the last 9 years chasing her dream of being a singer in Hollywood with her 5 year old daughter, Cricket, in tow. Letty has to confront her childhood sweetheart, rancher Chase Brown, while finding a way of keeping her major health issue a secrete from him and her brother Lonny.

This was an audiobook that I couldn't get enough of. I found myself walking around carrying my ipad around while I was doing chores around the house while listening to what was going to happen next in Letty and Chase's story, instead of only on my commute to work.

I mean come on, who doesn't like a good cowboy story. They are just so rough and stubborn, yet have a old-school gentleman side that has seemed to have been lost in men today.

Letty's daughter Cricket was adorable and no matter how much the stubborn, cold fronted Chase tried to be Cricket didn't care and broke through that rough exterior to capture his heart just like he had with Letty. Now if only all 5 year-old were as well behaved as Cricket is.

The narrator did an amazing job keeping consistent with the different voices of the characters that helped keep the story moving and not pulling the listener out to wonder which character was really talking.

Now that I've had my first taste of Debbie Macomber's work I will definitely be adding her to authors I need to read more of list. And it's a good thing that she has plenty of books to for fill my small town contemporary needs.

Make sure to check out her website and her other books at

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Last week I talked about a fork in the road. That defining moment where it's time to put up or shut up for where it comes to my writing career. Or at least that is how I see it. For me it was the choice to keep on with the decision I'd said I was going to self publish or keep pursuing traditional. Either way I needed help with my writing. I need an editor. Then again don't we always need an editor? In the long run I want to be a hybrid, write both traditional and indie (self publish). This way no matter what I have control in my career, even if I only end up traditionally publishing one book, I still have a hand in what I release and how it's released. 
Which road will you choose?
I digress, so I've decided to take the road that's unpaved but the trial is becoming more and more clear the more people have decided to go that way. With that I've set my goal and have officially started to invest in myself.

If taking that first step is the hardest, then I'm glad that I've finally did it. I still can't announce when my debut novel will be released as of yet, as I'm waiting to make any announcement until I get my work back from my editor (you heard that right, I officially have an editor that I will be working with on this project) next month. Don't worry though I can confirm that my first release will be a paranormal romance that will come out in 2014.

I know I'm mean and tease you all like none other with those two not so little announcements. But with contracting with an editor I can firmly say that I'm no longer stuck at the fork on the road staring at both ways wondering and debating on the pros and cons of each route.

In the end I've made an executive decision that was not rash or rushed, but a thought out business wise. A persons career goals are very personal, especially when they are apart of your dream job, thus I needed to step back and look at how to get there as if I were someone else who was hired on. How long will it take to get the product out there? How do I need to bring in to make this product the best it can be and at what cost? Is the mental timeline that you have set up actually achievable or do you need to push it back? Branding wise, is this one project the right one you want to make a debut for? Do you have something to follow up with this project to keep that brand going?

Taking in every singe one of those questions into consideration helped me chose the path I chose. And so far I think it's the right path. Then again I'm just on the beginning of a very long road that I'm excited to see where it will take me in the end.

Progress people! It's amazing to feel like I'm actually taking steps into reaching my goal. Not just talking about it and writing whenever I can, but tangible steps. I'm just that much closer to getting to where I want to be.

Don't let fear hold you back from making the choice that feels right for you. Go for it. Make those scary decisions and investments into your dream. The rush you get from doing that is something that not everyone can experience and it's fantastic. I know when I scheduled when to send my work to my official editor my heart was pounding a mile a minute with excitement. I wanted to both cry and cheer with joy before the 'holy shit' moment hit.

Holy Shit moment? Yup, the moment that the hard work is just about to start. Underneath all that excitement and I'll admit there was a moment of I want to quit. I don't want to know if people hate my work. That I'm not a good enough writer. Then I realized it doesn't matter. We all have to start somewhere and I think I have the right editor that will help me grow and learn to be better. Then I found this great quote, It's always too early to quit. In the end I'll never quit. I'll always keep write cause with being self published I'm doing this for me and my future readers. Yes it is a business, but it's my business. I write for me. I publish for me. Don't let anyone tell you do otherwise. They aren't the ones putting in the hard work to make your dreams happen. It's all on you.

But don't worry, you're not alone. You have me to cheer you on. Invest in yourself. Invest in your dreams and keep making progress. Keep walking towards your dream goals. And don't forget that sledge hammer to help knock down those doors that were once closed or those pesky roadblocks. In the end there will always be roadblocks. Never let them forever stop you.
I can't wait until I can make the official title name release, the date it will release, and cover reveals. Till then I will leave you all wanting more. :) I know I'm evil like that. Just know that I'm closer than I have ever been. And for that I wanted to share that progress with you all. Cause it's always possible to make that progress, even if it's a baby step.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rebellious Desire by Julie Garwood

Lately I've been on a kick of audio books since I have an hour drive one way to work. This last week I've listened to Rebellious Desire by Julie Garwood's second book of her already twenty plus books she has had published in her career.

I'll admit I've already read pretty dang close to all of her books in her contemporary series as well as one of her westerns. Needless to say after reading nine or so of her books, I'm a fan. Rebellious Desire was the first Regency novel I've taken on as well as my first audiobook.

Here's my negative take on the whole thing that really has nothing to do with the story but my taste in the reading (it was an English woman reading)which I know is biased. I love accents and with the story taking place in England is fitting and was fun to listen to. What can I say I have a thing for accents? Yet, when there was no infliction of tone to direct the listeners attention that it is the male lead talking instead of the female I had to really listen to what the character was saying in order to determine just who exactly was talking. Also, thank goodness for action lines or else I might have been lost more times than not.

Other than those few times when the female reader didn't lower her vocal register to differentiate between the characters, I loved the story of Caroline and The Duke of Bradford.

Born in England to an Earl Caroline was sent to go live with her Aunt and Uncle until 14 years later as an adult she was summoned to come home. Having grown up in Boston, Caroline isn't your typical Lady making her debut to society in London. Yet, she had gain the attention and desires of the Duke of Bradford, one of London's most eligible bachelors. Tall, handsome, cocky, with a temper that matched his passions Jered Marcus Benton had met his match. Both drawn to each other like a moth to a flame, they both struggle with how to deal with the others emotions and desires and realizing that their love is deep enough if they learn to accept the other for who they really are and not just what the London society sees.

Excitment, danger, love, attraction and regency era London society rules. What isn't there to love as Julie Garwood brings you into a time that not everyone can write so seamlessly without being overly cheesy or bore you with overly dramatic descriptions of the time. Caroline and her Jered's story, along with the love story of her cousin that helps drive Caroline and Jered to trust each other in a way they have never had before, is one that I will make sure to enjoy in paperback or ereader.

Make sure to check out Julie Garwood's other works that she has out as well as her website at

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 2 of NaNoWriMo

As most of you know November is national novel writing month. It's a challenge for the anyone to take to write 50,000 words in 30 days. That's right, 1,667 words a day. No editing needed, just write to get your word count done. I think it's a great writing workout personally cause it makes you get into the habit of writing daily. That way once NaNo is done you can make every month NaNo month, cause you are already in the habit of writing everyday.

Today is day 2 of 30. I've reached day one goal of just 1,800 words and I'm hoping to bypass that today and tomorrow with it being the weekend. In hopes to find more productive time writing I've started waking up earlier going straight for the coffee maker so fallowed by my computer.

Wait you're waking up early? Yes, around 4am if I can. I know I'm a crazy person, but I'm also going to bed earlier so that I can get a goodnights sleep. Though that doesn't seem to help keep my goofy/loopy side in check during the week day. On the upside I feel more awake through out the day. then again that could also be cause I've been taking essential oils for vitamins and there other uses.

Anyways, since I've found that writing in the dark with only the light of my laptop helps me block out the world enough for work to be busted out like none other, I'm trying to take advantage of it, since not only am I working on a new manuscript for NaNo, but I'm working on an edit for another to be able to get it to my editor sooner than later.

With that being said it's time to get back to work so that hopefully in the not too far off future you can actually read a book of mine. Cause it's going to happen, so you better get ready for it. Till then I will write ALL the words only to later to keep some of the words.

Good luck to all my fellow NaNo writers, go write! What are you doing still reading things when you should be writing?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hidden Summit by Robyn Carr

In July 2012 I attended my first writers conference at the yearly national conference for the Romance Writers of America and was able to listen to the keynote speech that was given by Robyn Carr one of the days. And let me tell you I'm still learning to expand my knowledge of the Romance genre, as both a writer and as a reader, the speech that Robyn gave will always be one that I remember. She was both inspiring and honest about her career into publishing as a writer. The best part of her talk was that it can be applied to everything in life. Here's what I took away from it most is this, you only fail as being a writer is by giving up. If you keep writing, keep putting yourself out there, you are doing exactly what you have wanted. It took her ten years or more of consistent writing to become a 'over night' success even after having several other books published. Write without hesitation or fear. That is when your will flourish.

Coming out of that conference met some amazing writers I've decided that I am in the right genre with these such passionate people.

Finally I found the time to read Robyn Carr's 17th book in her Virgin River series, Hidden Summit. Connor Danson and Leslie Petruso had both been burned by there first loves and looking for a new start as they both deal with life changing problems. Connor being the only witness to a murder, his life is a waiting game till he can testify and able to keep his sister and nephews safe while they figure out how to start over after losing the family business to a fire as a warning to them. Leslie, while wanting to get over her failed marriage as her ex wanted to keep her close, even after having started a new family while they were still married. As the their paths cross in there times of rediscovery, they learn that they can forgive those who had hurt them and what falling in love really could feel like.

Robyn Carr's small town feel was both warming and comedic as everyone knows what everyone else business is, they are always there to lend a helping hand without being prompted or wanting any thanks. These are all things that why can be annoying at times are the exact things that are what the main characters Connor and Leslie are needing, along with each others company to help work through there own issues.

With this being my first Robyn Carr novel, I'm hooked. Like when I had found Julie Garwood's novels, I find myself wanting to dive into her series when needing a good read in with the right amount of drama in a small town that doesn't have any cowboys, but the right amount of men who happen to have a military background. Scruffy, sinsear, snark and a heart of gold. What's not to love.

Make sure to go and check out Robyn Carr's web site www. and her other two series Thunder Point and Grace Valley. I may be late getting into Carr's novels but that doesn't mean that you have to as well. There are more than enough to satisfy your itch for a good small town novel without leaving you unsatisfied for big time drama and romance.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fork in the Road

A few weeks ago I finally decided that if I was going to go through with my plans of self publishing my work before my birthday next year that I have to get to work. I have the manuscript done, yes, but that doesn't mean the work is nearly close to being done. This particular manuscript I had tried to shop around to different agents all with rejections. Does that mean I'm a bad writer? Hell no. I just means I hadn't found that right person. With the desire to self publish always in the back of my head, I've decided that it's time...time to take my writing in my own hands and find someone to help me grow.

What does that mean exactly? It means it's time that I find an editor. Someone who knows how to make a manuscript shine. Someone who isn't emotionally attached with the manuscript. Someone who isn't afraid to tell you what's wrong with what you've written, but who knows how to take it and turn it around for the better.

And that's what I finally have done. I still haven't officially hired my editor, but I do believe that I found the right person to work with to give my manuscript the same attention that it would have if it had gone through a New York publisher. Cause that is my one main goal when it comes to my work and putting it out there on my own. I want to give it the time, attention and effort that it deserves. That I can continue on with my career goals to be a hybrid author. That means both self publishing and traditional publishing.

It wasn't until I got my sample pages back that I realized one thing...Holy mother of all that is holy, I have a crap tone of work to do a head of me to make this story good. Like all creative types when getting critiques we wallow and question our talent. I admit I did the same. Mentally smacking myself upside the head for questioning if I wanted to follow through with this particular story I realized one major thing. We all have to start some where.

This is my starting place. Standing at a fork in the road I am left with four choices. I can stick with this editor and manuscript. Put in the time and plenty of hard work to make this work what I believe it can be. Or I can ignore the great advice from the editor on where I need to work on my technical writing, and find someone who will cater to me making me think I'm the next best thing than sliced bread. Thus making a horrible choice and potentially killing my career before I even really start it. Or I can trash the manuscript that I've spent already so many hours in to creating and move on. Finally I have one out. I could quit. I could stop the pain an agony of all the hard hours of killing my darling manuscript only to rebuild it. I could quit the career that I want before I even start and become a hobby writer. (After thinking this I gave it a resounding HELL TO THE NO)

After thinking about it for a few days I realize improve and get where I want to be in life I have to start some where. Even the best authors have started some where. They all look back on that first novel and see where they have grown.

This is where I will look back to realize that I decided to truly take life by the horns on making my dreams into a reality. I've said it in the past, if I'm not willing to invest in myself then why should I believe that publisher should. And it's true. Money investment is one thing, but now it's about the time and commitment to putting in the work to really make this manuscript shine.

Can I do it? Fuck yes I can. Will it be easy? Hell to the no. Will I cry and doubt myself? Fuck yes. I'm only human. Will I fail? Maybe, but not in the sense that I gave up.

Robyn Carr gave a keynote speech a few years ago at my first RWA that really stuck with me. I'll paraphrase to the basics. Write with no fear. It is the fear that will hold you back to your full potential. The only time that you will truly fail in this career is if you quit. So, don't quit no matter how hard it becomes. Keep writing. And remember most overnight successes are 20 years in the making.

So, today is day one (or something more like 10) in realizing that just kicking that metaphorical door down means it's time to do the real work. As terrifying as it might be, I know I'm ready. I'm ready to beat up my manuscripts to be the best they can be in the realization that I've gone through worse things. I'm a survivor of many things. This is one thing that I can control. One thing that is up to me to make a reality. I can fail by not trying. Or I can be come a market failure. Where as I succeed in creating something that I invested in the right people only to not have the right timing for people to buy my work.

Personally I rather be a market failure, than to fail in not trying at all.

So, here I go. It's time to put myself through the rounds that a professional author goes through. And i hope you all will stick with me through this wild ride. I can guarantee some crazy ups and downs. But in the end I will stand up with my hands held above my head with a cheer of "I did it! Let's do it again."

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Reluctant Amazon by Sandy James

The first in the series The Alliance of the Amazons, The Reluctant Amazon by Sandy James is a fantasy romance that you don't want to miss out on. Kick ass chicks with a a man in a kilt that tries his damnedest to keep them in line, is always amusing to watch. It's always a challenge for a man to be around four strong minded women, but when they are Amazons who each control the power of an element is even more impressive.

Kindergarten teacher Rebecca Massee never thought that on her wedding day she'd be left at the alter and meet the man of her dreams Artair McKay, an immortal warrior trains the chosen four Amazons of the generation. As Rebecca struggles with her new found powers of Mother Earth and the forbidden attraction she has to her Sentinel, it's up to her and her 3 Amazon sisters to put a stop to the the threat that has been hunting down the last generation of Amazons.

 James' urban fantasy was a fun easy read that had me hooked from the beginning. James is able to keep the reader entertained with the balance of action, adventure, myth and romance. It also helped that the love interest Artair is always wearing a kilt and has a great Scottish accent, that doesn't make it hard to read. What can I say, I'm a sucker for men in kilts, especially when the author has them using the traditional kilt and not a modern version. Biased? Maybe just a little.

With Rebecca being easy to like as everyone can relate to being clumsy and no matter how hard you might try at something never feel quite up to par as everyone else. Even as a chosen Earth wielding Amazon, Rebecca is anything but a natural Earth. Or so she thinks. Like in the real world everyone learns differently and when it comes to being an Amazon Rebecca isn't like the past Amazons.

Join Rebecca, Artair and the other Amazons in there adventures of saving the world against modern day wielding evil in The Reluctant Amazon. Make sure to follow up also on the second book in Sandy's series with Impetuous Amazon and Rebecca's sister Megan the Fire Amazon.

Check out Sandy James' website and her other novels at

Monday, October 21, 2013

Emerald City....Not Just in OZ

This past weekend I went for the first time to the Emerald City Writers Conference in Bellevue Washington. That's just outside of Seattle just incase you didn't know. And I just have to say thank you so much to the Greater Seattle Romance Writers of America for putting the regional conference on.

For the first time going to the smaller conference I would definitely recommend going to this one. It is well organized, filled with great workshops, great people, amazing speakers and even better attendees. One of the many things that attracted me to this regional conference other than in need of a vacation and desire to be around like minded people, was that I love the Pacific Northwest (and need to explore more), the workshops/master class by Cherry Adair (I can't say enough wonderful things about this woman and her writing), that they offered a critique speed dating workshop, the keynote speakers (Karen Rose, Robyn Carr, and Maya Banks), and how excited they are to have new people come to the conference.

Everyone in romance is welcoming, but I've never had a conference take such good care of the newbies. They have a team called them Gems. If you ask them, they will match you with a veteran conference going to help guide you along the way. They even make sure that the first dinner that you have assigned seating with them so that you know at least one person at the conference. And my gem is actually that a gem. I'm glad to call her a new friend and excited to cheer her on her own career in writing.

The whole long weekend that I was there was easy going and was relaxing that was full of so much knowledge that everywhere you turned you could talk to anyone and learn something new.

Oh, did I mention that they even brought Firemen for a coffee breakfast one morning? Of course we were all swooning over then men who were sweet to take pictures with us. I'll have to post a picture later.

I've made friends, connections, hopefully gained a few critique partners, added to my to be read bookshelf, new amazing memories, and inspiration to keep writing.

If you've ever feared going to a conference this is one conference that I would recommend you attend. You will not regret it. Everyone is great and you will not regret it. Plus Cherry Adair does the Finish the Damn Book Contest. If there is one person that truly cares for everyone to continue writing a move forward in their career that is Cherry. She really does want everyone to succeed and it's so touching.

And personally I'm going to join in the challenge of finish the damn book. Cause if you can't do it for yourself then you might as well do it for Cherry...or you might maker her cry, and well you don't dare make that wonderful woman finish that damn book!

I'm going to do my damnedest to go back to the ECWC next year to see some new friends and enjoy more wonders with some great writers.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Break-Up Psychic by Emily Hemmer

The Break-Up PsychicOne of the many books that I heard about while attending the RT Booklovers convention, was the Break-Up Psychic. With the release of it on May 29th, Emily Hemmer debuts her first novel The Break-Up Psychic, as a self published title. Having met Emily at the conference the first thing came to mind as we talked about her Romantic Comedy, if it's half as funny as she is in person then I have to read this.

And I was not disappointed one bit in the novel.

For her debut novel, I was engaged in the real life experience that women go through when dating. Like the main character Ellie, all women go through the struggle after a break-up of knowing that they need to avoid 'their type' of man. And for Ellie that is the bad boy. Thinking that she has a gift of knowing when a breakup in eminent. After a bad breakup with her cheating boyfriend, Ellie runs into Sam James, the impiety of her type that she has sworn off. Only thing, Ellie's gift of predicting a break-up isn't going off. Has her gift disappeared? Can the bad boy really be a good guy, meant for her? Or is Ellie really in need of getting over the past to allow herself the chance of having a good relationship?

If you love Bridget Jones Diary and real life ups, downs, and "yup, that just happened moments" of the dating world, then The Break-Up Psychic is perfect for you.

It's been a while since I've read a book that I couldn't out down, and Hemmer's book not only made me want to keep reading, snort out loud laugh, but had me wanting to join the characters in a drink of vodka-sweet tea and whiskey. In reality I did get up to join the book in a good Whiskey just in time to get back to a steamy scene that was only made better with the drink to cool down with.

Emily Hemmer's debut novel is a labor of love and passion that she's executed perfectly on her journey to being published. With her husband, two kids, sweet lab, jerk face puppy and cat that is plotting to take over the world by her side in Kansas City, Emily is venturing in to the the published author's world, with three books scheduled to be to be released.

And if her horoscope is anything to go by 2013 is looking to be her year. Plus her mom says she's pretty dang funny. Personally I agree with both.

Make sure to check out Emily Hemmer's website and buy her book in both ebook or paperback on Amazon.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Darkness of the Blank Page

There is something about sitting in the dark with only the light of your computer screen lighting the room with music playing in your headphones while everyone is still asleep that makes me want to create a new world. While my next manuscript isn't scheduled to start being written until November, I'm sitting here with more than enough editing that needs to be done in the mean time, still my hands are twitching to start something new, but what is the question.

I've freaked my roommates out in the past when they've found me in the living room after the sun has set with the lights still off with only my laptop and headphones on to block out the rest of the sounds of the real world I've worked. Standing in the dark doorway they stood staring at me for minutes until I looked up, or at one time long enough that I still didn't notice them until they turned on the light scaring the carp out of me. They've done the same thing as I watch movies or TV in the dark. "Why don't you have the lights on?" They've asked.

My response is usually the same, "I was in a groove and didn't need them." Or in the case of movies, "You watch movies in the theater in the dark, why not do that at home? It adds to the atmosphere."

They didn't buy it. Still there is something that I haven't quite figured out why, but I think the darkness is like a blank page when it comes to writing. You can make it into whatever you want.

There are so many possibilities of what you create it to be that it changes drastically from person to person. For some it creates a knee knocking fear inducing panic that are the horror of the unknown. Then there are the few of us that relish in the unknown and jump in feet first to see where it takes us. Good or bad, it's an adventure that few are willing to take. Then there are those who respect the fear that the darkness and the blank page create and embrace it for the power that it has.

I like to think that I am the last two. There is a good deal of fear that the darkness and the blank page has that I respect and understand. But it's in that fear that causes this euphoric adrenaline rush as you start typing creating something that wasn't there. Let it be a monster who morphs from the darkness into something so dense you can almost touch it as the hairs on the back of your neck stands at attention telling you to run. But then there are the times where the darkness is really a wonderland of rainbows and unicorns that lead you to the metaphorical pot of gold that you couldn't have created without that blank page or darkness of the unknown.

So, here I am having fallen asleep too early in the night to not wake up early and I don't want to turn on the lights other than the light that comes from my laptop and the darkness and blank page isn't something that I want to run away from. It's the warm blanket that you curl up with on a stormy night as you read a good book. While I have more than enough editing that needs to be done and a new manuscript that is planned to start with NaNoWriMo, I'm wanting to create something new, with no fear, and with no specific characters yelling at me for there story to be told.

It's nights, or I should say mornings, like this that makes me in awe of writers. No matter what it's these moments that we embrace to the fullest and write. We mold the darkness and the blank page into something that others can enjoy. With muse or not we always start out in the darkness to come out in the end with a world that didn't exist before. Yes, I'm grouping contemporary into creating a world, cause in the end the author is still creating something out of nothing. And that is so amazing that it makes me speechless at times.

While there is more than enough fear that goes along with being a writer on how people will like our work or if people will understand it, there is still that rush of ignoring all that when beginning a new project. Of that blanket of nothingness that is full of possibilities. It's that possibilities that keep me going. You never know how something is going to turn out. No matter how much you might plan something out things always change. But one thing is always true to stay the same. That darkness and the blank page.

As 4am is just around the corner, I'm off to embrace my darkness while it lasts until the sun rises and take on that blank page and see where it leads me. Don't be afraid of the darkness. It is what you make it to be.

Happy writing!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Risk No Secretes by Cindy Gerard

Risk No Secretes by Cindy Gerard is the fifth book in her Black Ops series and it has been hands down one of my favorite books that I've read so far this year. Ok, I know I've only read a couple so far, but I didn't want to put it down as I had to since my day job doesn't really like it if I'm reading a book instead of doing what I'm there for. You, know actually working.

Anyways, if you like action, military men, and strong women who are put through hell and back while keeping up with the men in there lives then this Romantic Thriller is for you.

A red-hot attraction... 
Twelve years of chasing bad guys didn't erase beautiful Sophie Baylor from Wyatt Savage's memory. If he had another chance, he'd never let her leave. So when she tracks him down from El Salvador and begs for help, he doesn't ask questions -- he just goes.

Starts with a terrifying threat... 
Sophie is grateful her daughter survived a kidnapping attempt, but she won't forgive herself until the girl who was mistakenly abducted is safe. Wyatt is the only man brave enough to take on the mysterious terrorists behind the crime; and the one irresistible man she wishes she had never let go.

...and unleashes an unforgettable adventure 
Sophie knows Central America's steamy jungles and sticky politics better than anyone. Yet she refuses to hide in fear. Then she becomes the enemy's number-one target. Wyatt lost her once, and he won't lose her again -- even if he has to fight, kill, or die to save her

This book was full of heart pounding action and romance and was able to keep a balance of both through out the whole book. Wyatt the good southern boy struggling with deciding where he wants his life to go having lived most of his life serving his country and fighting the bad guys of the world, before all the violence eats his soul and he becomes one of the bad guys. Sophie is his saving grace since the day he met her 12 years earlier, but in the end it was the time the spent apart that helped mold them into the people who they are now and in the end an even better match for the other.

Make sure to check out Cindy Gerard and her other Thriller Romances in her Black Ops novels as well as her Bodyguard series. It's sure to be filled with plenty of twists and turns and non stop action. I know I'm now hooked on her books and can't wait to read more. I mean who doesn't love a man in uniform, fighting a good fight to help keep the world a better place. Find more about here here at her website,

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Last week I got a phone call from my sister that went like this:

Ty: I have prizes I'm going to send you.
Me: Ok, cool let me know when you send it.
Ty: OMG you are going to love! It's amazing, but I'm not going to tell you what it is.
Me: Ok.
Ty: I'm going to tell you.
Me: NOOOOOO! I don't want to know that's what a surprise is. You're not supposed to know what it is.
Me: Don't make me hang up the phone on you.
Ty: Fine, but it's so sweet. I'm going to give you hints.
Me: Don't even start. Last time you did that I guess what it was before it even got here. I want it to be a surprise.
Ty: Fine, how's writing going? (Whispers) I prize totally has to do with writing.

Well after finally convincing her to stop talking about anything about the package she was sending. Well, it finally arrived and I busted up laughing. And of course I had to share. Cause well, who doesn't like prizes from family that has an inside joke that all Laurel K. Hamilton fans will understand.

Sigmond and Fraud the mugs. 
These are just meant as any other mug. There is an inside joke that goes with these. Ty introduced me to Laurell K. Hamilton books years ago. And if you have read any of the Anita Blake books you know that Anita has a thing for penguins. I'm talking stuffed Penguin and snarky penguin mugs.

As soon as I read her work, I was hooked and have read everything she's written since. Her work and the way that she interacts with her fans is something that both Ty and I have talked about and how Hamilton has become a writer idol to me. She makes no excuses for who she is and what she writes. You either like her or you don't. And I love that my sister understands my love of books.

Sometimes it's amazing just how much a small random thing can make a long week better. Thank sis for the awesome prize!

Do you guys have an favorite author and character that has a fun quirk? Like having a soft spot for penguins.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Siren by Tiffany Reisz

The Siren is the debut full length novel by Tiffany Reisz and it is a read that is just as sizzling as the title and cover promises. Writing a BDSM erotic romance that should have the attention that 50 Shades has brought to the BDSM world.

As the book itself has mentioned that it is possible to have an erotic book without it being all sex, I think Reisz is able to do so while truly introducing the non-BDSM world in to it's dark shadows. Unlike other BDSM novels I've read this book gives an honest look into there world. It's honest in what is involved in it, with out having to explain all the different subcultures that are intertwined with BDSM. Personally I think people have this predisposed view of what BDSM is and Reisz is able to balance reality with those predisposed view and not make it sound preachy, happy go-lucky world.

Like any relationships and characters Nora is a complex person and is able to delve in to so many worlds without having to apologize for who she is. For the most part she knows who she is underneath everything else, but still she is struggling with finding the balance of who she is and who she wants to be. And through this process she is working on her latest novel with a new editor that is more suited to her then he even knows. There are so many struggles for dominance in this book that it will make you're head spin, but in reality the characters are all human and to be human means that you are fighting for dominance let it be to one part of your personality or to someone else.

If you're some what intrigued by the BDSM or even just read 50 Shades of Grey, Then I would suggest, no, I highly recommend you read The Siren to cleanse your pallet and get to know what can really happen in a BDSM romance that is driven by sex but some how isn't.

With well rounded characters with real flaws everyone can relate to, let you be in the BDSM world or not, the story isn't defined by the sex life of the character even if it is who she is.

Tiffany Reisz's second book in the series that continues Nora's story is The Angel, that is newly released. With the market finally taking a real notice to erotic and romance, not just sweeping it under the carpet, I'm excited to see Reisz's career and future novels flourish.

Make sure to check out her website to learn more about her and her novels.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

NaNoWriMo Prep

This year seems to be flying by in a blink of an eye. While it's just about a month until National Novel Writing Month, it's time to get ready for a month full of daily writing with the goal of just under 2,000 words a day. That's right NaNoWriMo is about finishing a 50,000 word novel in just one months time. It's a great time to work on your craft of getting your butt in that chair and getting that first draft done.

For some the first draft is a scary thing, always going back to rewrite and fix the parts that they have finished in a vicious cycle that makes it near impossible to get to the finish line. That's what is wonderful about NaNo. It's about getting that first shitty draft done. After you get that done you can go back and fix the draft to make it all nice and shinny. It's also about getting in the habit of writing every day. Even if it's not for 2,000 words a day. For a writer this is one of the most important things to learn.

The one piece of advice I always hear first from successful authors is But In Chair, and Finish the Damn Book. It's not about waiting till you get your muse to write beautiful prose. No it's about getting that word count done and when your muse shows up to work  you take full advantage of her.

This year will be my second time taking no the challenge of writing 50,000 in a month. Last year I rewrote my first book and wasn't quite able to meet the goal, though I did eventually finish the draft. As I type this I'm bouncing between revisions of that manuscript along with a contemporary novel. Now the question is what idea should I take on to write for this November?

Personally I'm torn between, once again, contemporary and paranormal. I still have some time before I go into full writing mode, but I think I'll start preparing for either.

What does it mean by preparing for both? For me it means breaking out the index cards and starting my plotting of each story. Personally I try not to do too much plotting since my characters tend to switch things up on me as I write, so I keep it to the important parts of the story that will help guide me as I write.

I will do this with my second book in my paranormal series, as well as a new stand alone contemporary novel. Once November arrives I will see or shall I say feel which characters are talking to me more then will pants my way through writing with the help of my plot points.

Pants my way through writing? Emily, what the hell am I talking about, you ask? Well that means I have no clue what is going to happen next and I'm flying by the seat of my pants. It's a lovely writing term for the type of writer a person is. As is pantster, plotter, or puzzler. Nope you don't have to be just one but a combination of all.

Anyways, I digress, NaNoWriMo is just around the corner and it's prep time to get ready for the challenge. Are you going to accept the challenge of writing 50k words in a month? Even if you don't hit the 50k it's a great exercise for your writing. I'll make sure to check in with everyone when November comes around to let you all know how it's going.

Now, I gotta get back to revisions and preparing for NaNo. Hope you all have a great weekend and will talk again soon!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Wicked Enemy by Carolyn Jewel

It had been a while since I've read a Paranormal Romance and so I went into search for an author I've never read before on my bookshelf I've dubbed 'The must read shelves'. It has seemed that over the years and since I've gone to RWA for the first time that this bookshelf has grown bigger than my normal bookshelves could handle. That's right I added a bookcase to my collection just to have a to be read shelves that don't mix in with the books I've already read. Don't judge me, you know you've wanted to or have done the same at some point. So I found Carolyn Jewel's book My Wicked Enemy staring at me. Yelling at me to read it.

So, I did. I mean I even had it signed by the author while I was at the conference. Thanks, Carolyn!

What is the book about? Well, let me tell you.  (Better yet, let me have the back cover explain it even better)

A Desire that Can't be Controlled . . .
Carson Phillips is a witch on the run. For years, the notorious mage Alvaro Magellan has held her as his psychological prisoner. But once Carson gets a glimpse of the true extent of his evil, she flees MagellanÕs mansion--stealing a stone talisman of unimaginable power on the way. Her only hope for survival is a demon who ignites a voracious hunger in her she can't deny, a longing she can't resist . . .
A Hunger that Can't be Sated . . .
Nikodemus is a warlord with a mission: Kill Magellan and his green-eyed witch at any cost. But when he meets the desperate Carson, the pull of her magic takes his breath away. HeÕs not sure he can trust this tantalizing woman--she is his enemy--and less sure he can keep his hands off her. But Magellan will stop at nothing to reclaim what belongs to him. Can Nikodemus save Carson before his desire for her destroys then both?

The whole concept of demons or fiends along with Mages had caught my attention. I loved the idea of them being in a war while trying to keep it under-wraps from the human world. And it takes place in my city, San Francisco! Okay, it's not my city but I live here so it's close enough.

Chemistry from two people who should be at war, action, sex, love, magic, and blood lust. It's everything I want in a good paranormal romance. But here is the thing that got me, there is so much going on that some of the world and characters are hard to keep track of. Especially when the fiends are able to feel and communicate with each others magic and minds, it's hard to keep clear, who's what and what is exactly going on.

Over all I enjoyed the book but it was frustrating at times when I'd be like wait I thought they already had sex? Oh okay, that didn't really happen. There is a lot that goes on and keeping track of it can be a little hard at times, especially when it comes to the magic and the progress of time. The whole book seems to have taken place in 3 days, but if you go to the beginning it mentions that they were supposed to have a big meeting of the fiends in 7 days. I might have missed something in there that made time go by, but with the level of injury that Carson goes through it feels nearly impossible for her to fully heal and no one sleeps.

Don't get me wrong, there is a sentence that says that once she bound herself to a fiend that she didn't need as much sleep and seemed to heal quickly, but still it seemed to not quite fit right to to me.

With this novel being Carolyn's debut, I'm interested to see how the other books in the series have evolved along with her writing. With all the nonstop action and the world already established, I'm willing to pick up the second book and see if it smooths things out a bit more.

Out of all the genres that are out there I find that Paranormal and Urban Fantasy to be the hardest to create a world. Especially when it comes to developing rules to the world so that not everything is possible. There needs to be limitations and Carolyn Jewel has done that. The only things that really bugged me was the need to smooth out a few of the magic elements when the characters are in each others heads and what the fiends actually look like when not in there human forms. Other than that I really enjoyed the action and the breaking of the total norm in a the San Francisco I live in.

Make sure to check out Carolyn Jewel at her website at and her other books both paranormal and historical.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

One Last Conference

Since I'm a little crazy, I've decided to add one more conference in this year. In October I will be attending the Greater Seattle Romance Writers of America's Chapter's conference, the Emerald City Writers Conference. It will be my first time attending a smaller conference as I've only gone to RT and RWA Nationals.

I'm excited to see the difference between the larger conferences and a smaller one. One thing that I'm already loving is there Gem Mentor program, where they will match up newbies to the con to a vet, so that they will help guide them getting ready to attend and meet up once the conference starts. On top of that they will be having a speed dating workshop on finding a crit partner. These were two major selling points for me personally. As I don't have a crit partner at the moment and know the value of them. Plus who doesn't love the Pacific Northwest that is filled with some amazing authors.

In 2014 I've already started to plan out my Conference/Convention schedule here it is to date:

-RT 2014 in New Orleans
-RWA Nationals in Texas I believe
-SF Writers Conference (this one is a maybe, as due to funding, but who knows it is in my city)

Once ECWC is over I will make sure to post about all the wonderful adventures I'm sure to have meeting some lovely people. Cause in the end writers are some of the most amazing and passionate people I've ever met.

Diary of an Urban Panther by Amanda Arista

Today I finally finished The Diary of the Urban Panther the first book in the Violet Jordan series by Amanda Arista, a Paranormal Romance with Avon Impulse.

The shy Violet Jordan is used to living in a fairy tale, having grown up from on their stories even as an adult being a writer for a film production company specializing in horror films. Never did she think that the stories her mother had told her as a child would end up being what would help her deal with being attacked by a panther shifter and stop her sire from bring a demon in to the human realm and destroying the world. With the help of her best friend who turns out to be a fairy princess, Chaz a guardian, and Iris a lion shifter, Violet for the first time is able to discover who she really is. And that she can take on any challenge set in front of her without running away to start a new life.

While I was at the RWA national conference in Anaheim this year, I was able to get these set of books and signed by the sweet Amanda Arista. I'd never read any of her books, but as I was walking through the crowd the covers caught my eye. A cat lover and never one to pass up a good paranormal romance, I walked up to her not quite knowing what to say, said the first things that came to mind, "Hi, I'd love to hear about your books. What are they about?" Nothing overwhelming, but like Arista's character Violet I'm a little shy.

My nerves were quickly put to rest as Amanda quickly chatted about her books and she not only offered to sign her newest book, the third in the series, but the first to as well. Newly informed on which to read first, I was not able to enjoy the story of Violet the Urban Panther.

Overall it's a great story and I've really enjoyed it. I loved the way she was able to weave the paranormal world into the real world, which can be harder to do than one might think. The connection between Violet and Chaz is snarky and to a man who may be model beautiful and shy about it is refreshing. Their relationship is full of sparks, and sass and drama. Which alone would be a fun read, but with the added drama of learning how to embrace her new inner cat, Violet learning more about her best friend Jessa, you are able to connect with the characters.

My grievances has nothing to do with the story, there were a few typos that caught my eye. Nothing to make me want to stop reading, but enough to notice it once every hundred pages. This could also be because I've been editing my own work and more open to seeing little mistakes, like whole instead of hole. Or the indentation of one paragraph being one tab space too far over. It's these little things that were my only thing that bugged me.

With the next two books in the series waiting for me to read on my book shelf, I can't wait to see Chaz and Violet's relationship evolve and what drama will ensue all with a cup of coffee close at hand.

Make sure to check out Amanda Arista's website at and on twitter @pantherista

I know I can't wait to see what else Amanda will come out with, and hope everyone else will check out her work as well.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Wedding Craziness

No, I wasn't the one to get married. One of my big sisters (I have 3) got married last weekend. E is the first of us four girls to get married and I'm so happy for her and my new brother (for some reason I hate saying in-law, he's family now no need to point out that he chose to join our crazy family). The festivities were last weekend, hence why there was no post with all the craziness going on.
E & MJ cutting the cake. Noms!

So here is an update on the wonders of the week I was visiting family in Utah while trying to lend as much help as possible to ease the stress of putting on a wedding, especially one with the insane dynamics that run in my family alone.

Sorry writing, but you took a major back seat to this major event in my sisters life.

It's not very often that we are able to get all four of us sisters together, let alone get us with extended family. But E was able to get everything together and it was a great wedding even with the little blips I call it a major success. I commend my sister and new brother for not letting the stress of doing a wedding by themselves tear them apart. That's right they did it 100% on there own. No wedding planner. Whenever E got upset (as normal with any wedding that you are taking on) he wouldn't let her run from the problem letting it feel like it's the worst thing than slice bread but would chase after her to help work through it. In a matter of minutes E would be back with a smile on her face and we all would move on to the next thing. I commend my new bro in this matter. He doesn't just let his new wife go be upset at anything, he goes holds her hand and work through it together. They truly are a team.

I already like M, my brother-in-law, but the fact that he is willing to fight to break down walls with family members who might be more hesitant to get to know him and he is always there for my sister, as she is for him, makes me appreciate him even more. They are both hard workers in there everyday life they both need that moral support to help take on every day stress of running their own businesses.

Normal wedding arguments didn't last long, as they work as a team to get through it. And they did. Even with it raining during the out door wedding, thank goodness for covers spaces, and a half hour late, everyone had a smile on their face as us girls looked up into the sky saying thanks to the weather God that might not have given us the sun we desired, but blessed us with rain in a gorgeous botanical garden a a sight of a new clean chapter in E and M's new life as man and wife.

Still looking fab in the rain.
Even though it rained on the day of the wedding, and the kids that were there loved playing in it with the field games that were supposed to be enjoyed by everyone, we still looked fabulous determined to not let the rain bring us down. And we didn't.

Good thing that we all like the rain. Going with the flow as things popped up. Bonus it made the flowers and grass all the brighter and more enjoyable as we declared to dance in the rain after the photos. Fortunately and unfortunately the rain stopped after dinner and photos were taken so no dancing in the rain this time. Maybe next time we will all go in our fancy dresses to frolic in the rain together.

The week was great, going by way too quickly. Though you'd think that I'd learn by now to drink more water to help battle altitude sickness that I always get, and the impending heat exhaustion that comes with the summer heat. What? I'm a delicate flower that lives in a city that rarely gets to be over 70 degrees let alone come out of the fog. Though I now have learned about essential oils to help out with that, but more on that on a later post.

I got to play on the family farm, pick fresh corn from the field of my Grandmothers field, ride a four wheeler with cousins kids on the back yelling to go faster, made friends with Norman the cow, enjoy the Peach Day Festival, relax at a hot spring, got to know M's close family more, and get to see my paternal grandparents that I've maybe only seen a handful of times through out my life. Best thing of that week, was seeing my sister marry her best friend. I've always looked up to E as she has always stuck to her morals, ethics and put in the hard work to make her dreams come true. Even if some of our family doesn't have the same views (both antimarriage and traditional mormon views). The things that she as accomplished amazes me. I'm proud to call her sister.

Peach Day Festival Margaritas. What? No booze?
At the Peach Day Festival
 Oh, my goodness I forgot to tell you about the Peach Day Festival. The day before the wedding we went to a hot springs about an hour outside of Ogden UT to relax with no talking of the wedding, since that was all that was talked about that week. Getting to the hot spring before they opened we went back to a small town, Brigham City, where they were having a Peach Day Festival.

Why not enjoy some vendor shopping and carnival food? While there we found cool Margaritas to stay off the heat, but I wouldn't call them a Margarita as the sign suggested. More like a slushy. It's Utah, there really isn't much booze around. So they had to say that the Margarita Ville was sans alcohol. That wasn't our only find, they had purses for concealed weapons. Um ok. Guess every lady needs a fancy animal print purse to hold there guns. Ty was determined to buy me one. I told her she could if they had one in a style I'd actually use...not that I carry a gun with me or even own one. She conceded in my rule and we left the festival for the hot spring sans purse, but with a slushy pretending to be a margarita.

Even with all the stress of the wedding and family that doesn't always get along, and unhelpful groomsmen, everyone had a good time even finding a semblance of a balance of quality family time. And with family time comes vampire movies and lots of pictures. See below for proof that we take weird photos. Our Dad had rented a car that had a backup cam. Of course that meant that we had to take a photo of Ty on main street with her boba tea on the screen that was telling us that if we backed up that not only would we have a squished Ty but we would go directly into her eye. Haha.
Back up cam photo op

I now leave you to dive in to revisions. As my hands are twitching to get some writing done. I hope you all have had a great week and go into the weekend with some relaxation and joy. One thing I've learned this past weekend is that you need to find time relax and know that it's not the end of the world. That walking down the street holding your siblings or loved one's hand can help ease any overwhelming emotions that you might have. Cause in the end you know that you aren't alone. That you can do anything you put your mind to. Even if you fall they are there with a helping hand even if if they are states away.

This is why I write romance. To create a book that makes you have the feels, that lets you know that anything is possible and that you are never alone even if you feel like you are.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Mating by Nicky Charles

In the search for an author I've never read before and wanting to try out my new e-reader I dove in the iTunes library for my next adventure. I've always found going to the free ebooks kind of like rush and roulette, you never quite know what you're going to find. Some have a great concept but are missing that polished touch to help smooth the story out. And well in Nicky Charles The Mating I found a series that is on my must read list. The first book in her Law of the Lycans, you can continue to enjoy Nicky's characters after you are hooked by The Mating.

This paranormal romance is about Elise who never thought that she would be the pawn to seal an alliance when her father has her mated with a complete stranger an Alpha of a neighboring pack.

Not your typical werewolf genre you are empathetic to what Elise is going through, when she goes through with the arranged marriage and it not being to the man she is in love in. Wanting the best for her pack Elise goes with her new husband Kane. Struggling to be an Alpha's wife while struggling with finding a way to be accepted by her new pack mates, and finds herself falling for her husband all the while there is a threat to the Pack's land.

Charles' world she created is believable one that make you believe the world she craftily brings to life. No relationship is easy and being a werewolf doesn't make things any easier. Slowly as Elise begins to fall for her husband Kane, so do you. Though like any man you want to smack him upside his head every once and a while. With the excitement of the mystery of the threat of their land the story keeps you on your toes.

If you're anything about me then you will absolutely love her books. Personally I couldn't put her books down once I started them and I hope you all enjoy her work as much as I have. And I can't wait to read more of her work.

You can find all of Nicky Charles' novels can be found at

Also check out her website at

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Impetuous Amazon by Sandy James

A few months ago I had reviewed the first book in the Alliance of the Amazons series by Sandy James and now that the second book the series, The Impetuous Amazon, is out I had a chance to catch up with the four Amazons representing each element.

While the first novel The Reluctant Amazon had focused on Rebecca, the Earth Amazon, this second is about Megan, the Fire Amazon. Struggling with controlling her not only her powers but with the forbidden attraction that she has with one of her Sentinels, Johann. With the threat of the patron Goddesses stripping her of her powers it is up to Johann to help Megan gain control of her ever growing powers as they take on a threat to humanity. But both Megan and Johann have to come to terms with there feelings for the other to be able to join together to take on the struggles that lay awaiting for them.

James picks up almost a year after the first novel had ended and if you know anything about Megan and Johann's back story from the first novel you know that there will be some witty banter back and forth between the two. It's no surprise that they have an attraction that burns just as hot as any fire Megan sets.

There is non stop action through out the book that keeps you pulled into story, let it be the fighting against reverents, demons, or the attraction for the each other you can relate with Megan (as well as the doubts that she has about a pending romance). She may be one tough cookie, but like any good cookie there is a soft center. What better for a tough Amazon, with doubts and flaws like any other person, to have a Soldier/Warrior with a nerdy soft side to help her through her adventures.

Normally I can get through a book like this, 92,000 words, in a few days but with real life getting in the way I kept getting pulled away right before the good parts happened. It has taken me a bit longer to read this time around. And one of the many things that I like about James' writing is that she is able to get what she wants said across without getting too over the top or dumb it down to the point where it's boring. Finding a good book that is an easy read yet keeps the excitement going is hard to find...especially for someone who has ADD. Yes, I'm pointing a finger at myself.

As much as I love the story between Megan and Johann, and the arguments they have that only show how passionate they are about the others safety, the only thing that I would have liked to know more background on are of the Ancients magical artifacts. There are some that are spread out through out the story that I'd like to know more. There are little snip bits, but personally I'd like to know more. Then again it might just be me, since I'm a bit sucker for mythology and think there would be a great story to some of the artifacts. (I'm trying really hard here not to give away anything from the story about what is used, since I want you all to go out and read the book) But for the sake of not going doing an info dump in a book or completely derailing the main story to tell the history of something is totally understandable. My inner mythology nerd just perked up and wanted to know more about them.

Make sure to check out Sandy James' website at and the next book her this series The Brazen Amazon, coming out on May 6, 2013.