
Friday, December 3, 2010

Long time no blog

Life has definitely been interesting since I've last posted. I quit an internship and have been hunting for work ever since. I've also spent my summer time helping my sister who had broken her ankle. Which wasn't so fun for her, but it was great to spend time with her and being her driver as we went on an epic road trip. When not helping family out I've been spending a lot of time writing and reading. I have reworked a screenplay, that I've done for school and been working on for like 3 years, is now a novel. The first rough draft is done! It's crazy to think about it. Now the edits are underway. A good friend is helping me fix the book up before I send it out to literary agents and see if I can get it published.

I've always enjoyed writing, but never really thought that I would ever attempt to get anything published. Yet, since I've been unemployed like the rest of America, it doesn't seem like a bad idea. I mean why not try it. I've always enjoyed diving into another world, so why not try to put it on paper and let others join in. Screw all the teachers who have said that they don't like my writing. Course those were mostly analytical papers, but when I actually enjoy writing something then the outcome in totally different. So I'm going to try and see if I can become a published author. And so far I've really enjoyed the whole writing process. Editing isn't the most exciting thing, but seeing that the changes are only making it better is exciting. Not to mention going over it with Haley is great. Time consuming but great in the end. We both have found out that reading it out loud is the best, that way we can make sure it sounds right. And its always great to be able to try to see how someone else might reword a sentence here or there and in the end it turns out better. I don't know what I would do without Haley, plus we always seem to go off on tangents on times, so we make sure to keep each other in check.

I'll admit I do have dyslexia and it sometimes it really shows when I'm typing quickly. It is hard to deal with at times, but in the end more times than not I just have to rearrange a few things and then it will click perfectly in to place. But just being able to write something without having someone telling me what I have to do and that its all not working. In the end I write to make me happy and if I'm able to publish it I will be ecstatic. If not. Hey I can always self publish, or just be happy that I finished a novel on my own. How many finish a novel that they start in the first place. Not many that I know of.

Other than working on my novel, I've been asked to help a friend out who has started her own online magazine, called Think And Loving It. Or TALI for short. I've done three articles for her so far and having a great time doing it. The whole magazine is that just because your a big girl doesn't mean that you can't be sexy and healthy. In other words its a woman's magazine geared towards the plus sized woman. I think that it could end up being a great thing and already has come a long way and I can't wait to see where it goes from there.

So I'll cut things off here and keep from having a long rant. All in all I think I'm taking a turn in my career path from film to author. And we will see if I can find a way to do both. Wish me luck and good luck to the rest of the world as they head in to the stressful holiday season.

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