
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Resolution Checked Off The List

This week I've joined a wonderful group of people as a member of the Romance Writers Of America. I'm super excited so that I've joined this group of people who love romance. I know that there will be some great opportunities to help me not only network, but to become a better writer from learning from all the people who has the experience that I hope to have one day.

I've just taken one step closer into being a published author! Ok, I guess it doesn't really matter if I'm really apart of the RWA, but I do think that it will help. Now the real hard part....continue writing new work, while touching up older manuscripts to get it out there.

Along with now becoming apart of RWA, I'm planning on attending Romance Times Booklovers convention in Kansas City MO for there 30th anniversary. Being around people who love books is always such an amazing thing. There are some great workshops, that I know I will learn a lot from, and will hopefully will make some great new writing friends.

Anyways, I've checked of joining RWA from my list of resolutions from the new year and I can't wait to keep moving forward in my future career in writing.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Making progress

In the progress of keeping moving forward in pursing my writing career. And with that I've sent in my application to join the Romance Writers of America, which will then lead to me some great networking opportunities with some amazing women in the Romance industry. Once I get the official word that I'm a member of the RWA I'll be heading to also join the Bay Area chapter so expand my knowledge from those that have the experience that I wish to have one day.

Along with having finally sent in my application to join the RWA, I've registered to go to the Romance Time Book lovers Convention. I heard about it last year from all the talk on Twitter by all the authors that went, and it sounded like a blast. So I've got my ticket and I'm going to Kansas City in May!

When I found out that they are having a pre-con boot camp on writing for publishing, I knew I had to go. The best way to get into an industry is by going into it as knowledgeable as possible. With having a degree in Film Production, working in accounting for construction, it means that I have some learning to when it comes to getting into the publishing world. And to do that without having to go back to school means that I got a good amount of research to do. The research that I choose to do is by reading blogs from the experts that are working in the industry (how do I find that out? go to the publishers websites to see who the editors are). You'd be amazed just how great these people are. They post recommendations, advice, and so much more. Why some people don't take advantage of this I will never know.

Other than finishing your work, never give up, keep writing, and don't let your ego get too big cause no one will want to work with you then no matter how good you might be in reality.

I'm not quite sure if I'll make it to RWA National Conference this year since it might end up conflicting with my sisters wedding. OMG, I don't think I've said anything about that yet. My sister is getting married this year to a great guy. She's the first in of my sisters to tie the knot. I might be in a different state than she is but I'm doing my damnedest to be there for all the big events for her. That means that I might not be going to Atlanta this year. And I'm totally okay with that. Conferances happen every year, my sister getting married doesn't.

Okay in hopes to keep my girly side in check I'll stop talking about my sister getting married and get back to work on writing and reading for the Novelous Ladies blog.

Whoo this year will be a good year, I can feel it. RWA member (soon to be), finishing another novel, and getting more of my work out there to find the right agent for me and my work.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


With the start of the Novelous Ladies blog I started with a few friends, I had set a goal of trying to read a book a week to review for the site. To be able to do this I would have to spend the week when I'm not at my day job reading, and spend the weekend writing for both my novels and blogs that I keep. And while I haven't been able to keep up with this fully, though I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping pretty darn close to this goal with having everyday life interfering, I've figured a few things out.

1. I read slower on an e-reader, ipad, then I do with a hard or paper back book
2. I will never hate having a physical book in my hands, with the smell and feel of the paper in my hands
3. As much as I wish I could carry all the different books with me at all times, traveling with an e-reader does help keep my purse and luggage lighter, having to turn off your reader for certain times of the fights and running out of batter sucks.
4. I love the fact that I have the options of both e-books and books

I've realized that the last several months with the holidays and traveling that I've been doing all my reading on my ipad and I've missed the feel of a good book in my hands. The smell of the paper, curled up in bed or on my favorite chair in my living room with my fuzzy blanket just isn't quite the same as with my ipad. Personally I'm a easily distracted, I've most likely have detoured to other webpages at least 9 times in the process of writing this blog, and having access to the internet and games with the ipad sometimes gets in my way of reading. Even if I love the book I still seem to get pulled away at times. Not sure if that is just me or an everybody things, but it's different with a physical book. Yes, I'll still admit that I get distracted with them as well, but I find that I've falling more into there stories easier than I do the e-reader.

Will I keep reading with an e-reader? Hells to the yes. I got at least 20 books on there ready and waiting for me to read to at any one time. Will I continue reading paperback and hardcover books? Hell to the yes. Some times convenience of having a e-reader just needs to be put aside. I love the fact that I have a bookcase that is dedicated to books that I have yet to read and will it will continue to see books come and go from it, as I add and move the rest to my have read bookshelves. What can I say? I love books and one day when I get my own house/apartment will have a office that I can dedicated to having nothing but walls covered in books. Guess that would fall into having a library. You get the point.

Anyways, it's time for me to take a little break from my e-reader for now as I've just enjoyed reading a novel by Robyn Carr and will begin a novel by Molly O'Keefe that I will later be reviewing on Novelous Ladies.

But, I'm curious, what do others think about e-readers? Do you read more on your e-reader now then you ever did before? Or do you rather stick with the classic paper and hardcover books? Or are you like me and like both?

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Chasing your dreams

Today I had lunch with one of my roommate and had talked a bit about chasing your dreams. For the most part my roommates/friends understand my dream of wanting to be a writer yet they still don't seem to understand the reasoning why I've completely changed my priorities. I appreciate the fact that my close friends are supportive, yet it's frustrating that they just don't get it. After today's lunch I'm starting to understand a little bit more about why from how they talk about chasing ones dreams.

Part of not having your dream yet is about putting in the time and hard work to be able to achieve that, even if that means you have to use your own personal time outside of your day job. My roommate had made a point that it's important to keep your day job in order to pay your bills, as well as to keep progressing in that job instead of having to start over from the beginning somewhere else.

Here's the thing that got me....where does anywhere in that statement mean that you still can't put in the time to get that dream job eventually. Yes, it might mean that you might eventually have to take a pay cut, yet does that mean that you should give up your happiness in a job you hate to stay financially stable. To me that doesn't mean that you will forever be struggling with money. It's just a matter of time.

If you don't try then how are you ever going to achieve your dream and you're going to stay miserable in a job and stay in a rut. That is no way to live. You can always take steps to reach your dreams while still keeping a full-time job to keep up paying your bills. It is just about changing your priorities to meet them, let that be going to school part-time or stop partying to volunteering wherever it is to get you where you want to get going.

Apart of beaching able to chase your dreams is surrounding yourself with people who are there to encourage and support you along the way. Those who are negative and drag you down need should be cut out of your life. I've seen not only with my self but with a roommate people who say that they are your friends but are negative and make fun of you the whole time. It is then that you really need to make a decission. Is it worth saying unhappy in a job surrounded by people that make themselves feel better by treating you like crap? Or is it worth burning the candle at both ends to put in the extra work to be able to say at the end of the day, I reached my goal and have all these amazing people around me that helped me do it.

Personally I'd rather keep all the positive people around me, cut out the negativity and put in the extra work while still continuing to succeed in your day job. It's possible. The only thing that is stopping you from succeeding is yourself. And true failure is when you don't even try.

For those of you out there that are chasing your dream, whatever it may be, and know that there are those who are in the same place as you, struggling with you, and are cheering you along the way. Don't give up. I know I'm not. It's just a matter of time till you get there.