
Saturday, October 27, 2012


For those that don't know what NaNoWrMo is, it's National Novel Writing Month. Novel writing month? Isn't every month novel writing month for authors? Yes it is, but in the last few years this new craze has taken over where the month of November the masses gather to get a novel, 50,000 words, done. That means no editing just non-stop writing.

I've never participated in NaNo. Last year I was in the middle of typing up and editing Mackenzie Falls and didn't want to stop to start a new project. This year things are different.

In need of a desperate need of a break from Mackenzie Falls (also have a friend beta reading it for feedback from someone who doesn't know a lot about the story) and I'm revisiting my very first manuscript. Going through the pages with multicolored pens like a mad women I realized one thing. This draft sucks! Don't get me wrong every first draft is always bad, but with this being my first attempt ever at writing a novel. Mistakes were bound to be made.

And I made them. 

Now a little bit wiser and a little bit more experience under my belt, I'm now ready to retake on the task of a full rewrite.

With NaNo right around the corner I've been diligently rereading my little seed of a good idea piled in crap that is waiting to grow into a strong beautiful plant, reintroducing myself to the characters, the plot, the world I'd created. The second time round I know what to the faults are of the story and know that it will go better this time.

That all being said, I've still got a lot of work to do in prep for November 1 and the challenge of getting close to 2 thousand words each day. A challenge I'm willing to try.

For those who are going to try NaNo I wish you luck in your adventure into 50,000 words in a month.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Rambelings of a Friday

A few weeks ago Carina Press held a great opportunity for a short time for there submissions that if you wanted feedback they would would provide it. For those that don't know if you get a rejection from an agent or a publishing house for slush pile (unsolicited submissions) submissions it's usually a form letter. The fact that they were willing to give some feedback with a shorter turn around then they normally have is an amazing feat, and one that I couldn't turn down.

At this early of a stage of my writing career (shoot anytime in a writing career) good constructive criticism is always a good thing. And well I got my feedback the other day, and yes it's with a rejection letter, and it had some info that I wasn't too surprised to get. Good to know that what I see as my own weakness isn't just me being nit-picky and insecure about my craft. Yup, the interact rules of grammar is my major down fall. Which in the end causes my writing to be a little choppy at times.

How do I fix that problem you ask? Keep writing and refreshing my knowledge on grammar. Good thing I've taken the 'Before You Hit Send' workshop, taking plenty of notes. It does mean that I have to keep reading and going over my notes to improve, but if I want be a published author (which I do) I've got to keep moving forward.

So, what's my plan? I'm going to keep to my goals. I'll be rewriting my first paranormal manuscript during National Novel Writing Month this November, keeping my grammar notes close by. As well as going back over my manuscript Mackenzie Falls later on. Yes I've been working on and putting out submissions with that particular MS, but I think I've been over thinking the edits. How to fix this you ask? Put it away for a short while and come back to it with new eyes.

With my fourth (I know crazy it's such a small number for know and I expect it to grow) under my belt, I dove in to my Friday work day a little bummed, but good things I knew were coming that day. First off it's been employee appreciation week at my office so we got breakfast. Later we were going to have our fire extinguisher training session. You know what that means? Firemen!

The Redwood City Firemen of the ladder truck came to teach us some fire safety tips and let us play with some fire. And yes they were all cuties. What can I say Firemen no matter what are HOT and they were all really nice too. Wish I wasn't so shy so I could have talked to them more and got some good stories from them. But they did make a little fire for us and showed us how to put it out with a fire extinguisher. Yup I even put it out too! And it was a blast, leaving me wanting to know more about the ins and outs of being a firemen. Future book? I think so.

With a smile plastered on my face from playing with fire supervised by the great local firemen, our CFO took my accounting dept to a new local restaurant that was super tasty Italian Pizza that from what I'm told by those who've been to Italy rivals that real thing. What can I say, I still have the instinct of a poor college student. Free food is always a good thing. Oh and to top it off, it's pay day!

Yeah yesterday didn't suck.

And now it's back to the grind stone and hone my craft. Nothing happens overnight and when it does happen (and it will eventually) it will be that much a sweeter reward.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Something Different

I sit here and wonder sometimes if I'm the only one that gets the random urge to pack up your car with every single thing that you care about most, sell everything else, and just move to the first place that sounds like heaven? I'm sure there are some people out there that can afford, or have the guts, to do this. I am not one of those people. As much as of late I have the urge to do this every so often my responsible self kicks in. There is no way to that my responsible side would let me do this.

First things first before moving anywhere...find a job. Then nothing else matters as to how or what I bring with.

For the time being I will fight the urge to move by saving up and keeping an eye out for new opportunities and save up for when the times come to move. Oh and can't forget I will keep writing and keep putting my work out there till I reach that goal....being a full time author.

Till then I will just have to write all my adventures.