
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Where the Work Really Begins

This past week I've been thinking a lot about the process of not only writing but of publishing. And writing that draft that is just clean enough to send off to the editor is only the first real step before all the work really begins. Especially if you are a first timer.

You write a first draft? awesome. You got through edits on your own as best you can get it? Even better. Got it sent to the right editor for you if you're going the self publishing route? High five. Now what do you do while you are waiting to get the revisions back? You get back to work instead of sitting on your hands waiting for what you need to fix, that's what. You also have to get ready for your release.

So, what exactly does that mean? It means it's time to come up with the official Title, the cover art, get your website up and running, you find your copy editor and all the other business aspects that a publishing house would do, if you are self publishing. Thinking about all of it is a little overwhelming if you ask me. But it's something that you have to get done if you want to do it the "right" way. And I want to do it the "right" way. If you want to make this your career you have to treat everything like a business, and that's exactly what this is my business.

I've set the bar at which I want to obtain and it's possible. I've looked at the whole picture, and breaking it down in to pieces make everything do able. Instead of seeing EVERYTHING, I see it in priorities. One thing that needs to be done at a time to be able to place it together. This makes the overwhelming process less intimidating.

Where am I in the whole where the work really begins process? I'm in the don't freak out and get to work part. Also known as writing the next book, searching for a copy editor, narrowing down which cover artist I want to use, and of course the waiting part. My editor officially has my manuscript and I'm trying to not think about all the good changes he is going to suggest.

Please not that I did say good changes. I fully expect my manuscript to be torn apart. Is it going to hurt? Fuck yes it is, but that's the point of the whole thing. You find someone who is going to help you tear it down to rebuild the whole thing into something better. You need that unbiased person that is there to make your work better. Cause no one is perfect. No one writes that perfect book right out the gate. It takes a team to develop a truly good novel. The author is only the starting point. And I think I'm starting to create a good team.

While it's my first time working with everyone it's a starting point, but I am a firm believer in following your gut instinct. And mine is telling me I'm heading in the right direction with the people that I'm choosing to work with.

Well, I better get back at it. After a few days off it's time to get back to work. Cause it's always easier to keep progress moving than coming to a stand still to restart again. Once you stop, it's always harder to start back up again, in my own opinion. That's when the doubt you fought off come back with a vengeance.

I'm so excited for this whole process and being able to share it with you all. Keep your ears open for announcements and details of how my journey is going. That's exactly what this is, a journey of a life time that not everyone gets to experience.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

For those in the U.S Happy Thanksgiving and for those who are celebrating Hanukkah! Today is a day that we all give thanks, eat way too much food, gather with family and friends, and then shop until we drop as the beginning of the Christmas season begins.

This year these are my biggest thanks: that I have a loving family that supports my dreams, for taking that fist big scary step towards succeeding in my dream, for being healthy, I have a great day job with some amazing co-workers and for those who serve our country every day to keep us safe.

For those that are traveling and staying up late please drive safe. There are far too many accidents that can be prevented, so please take care out there.

And while I'm not able to spend the day with my family, I'm going to spend it getting some writing done while the roomies are out of town. With my paranormal MS is off with the editor it's time to keep working on other projects. I have a contemporary in the first draft process, with one other in need of revisions, all that need my attention. The life of a writer, you gotta keep going and keep working on the next project. And I'm loving every second of it.

So, Happy Turkey Day and I hope you guys all have a fun holiday!

Saturday, November 16, 2013


...I am your Queen. With the looming deadline of sending my work to an editor coming soon I'm finding it harder and harder to focus. Wanting one last run through of the manuscript before I send it, I'm finding it like torture. Don't get me wrong. I love my story. I love my characters. I just want to fix everything, which is overwhelming. Seeing everything that I want or need to fix instead of taking it one step at a time is terrifying and feels a bit like you're drowning just barely able to keep your head above the water.

Refusing to let that overwhelming feeling chase away my determination to get this done, I find that I'm still procrastinating. Getting stuff done, yes, but procrastinating far more than I should be. As much as I'd like to blame it on feeling like I'm starting to get sick, I blame the carrier monkey (sick coworkers, you know who you are), but in reality it's not that.

Someone has said that great writers are also great procrastinators. I call shenanigans on that. Great writers are those who get shit done. They don't let the fear of failure, the fear of success, or distractions get in the way of getting their work done. Okay, not just done but to keep improving on what they do and getting it out to the public. Yes, writers are easily distracted at times, but if I was as great a procrastinator as I am a writer, then well I'd be farther along in my career that I currently am.

Over the week as I acknowledge how bad my inability to focus is, I realized something rather profound in my case. While yes I have ADD and do find it hard to focus at times, the underlaying reason I'm not glued to my MS every free moment I'm awake is fear.

What do I have to fear? A lot, but it's what you do with that fear that will determine the outcome of what you are trying to achieve. Wait, you still haven't talked about what you are afraid of exactly. Ok, you caught me I'm trying to avoid that question.

What is this avoidance? Isn't that what procrastination is? *ding ding ding ding* you got that right. I'm terrified of what my editor will say of my work. I'm ready to defend every decision I've made in it, but I've been on the defense for so long that I can't help this gut instinct. But here's the ironic thing, I'm so excited that I cant express it in words that I think I've found the right editor that I have confidence in everything that he will tell me about my work will only make it better. He wont tear me apart telling me that I should never have started writing in the first place. No, this person is here to teach me everything that I'm not able to fully comprehend from reading writing manuals.

Yet, there is an inherent fear of failure along with success. If I fail the only way I can go is up. But if I succeed, then the bar is set. With each and every book I do from then on I have to do better. Which is what I want to do. i want to keep improving, but what if I can't stand up to the standards that people have of me?

Hence where procrastination comes in. This is a way for my brain to compartmentalize what I'm feeling. What my brain hasn't quite understood yet is by putting of the work I should be doing I'm only building up what i have to do closer to the deadline. Which only putts more pressure and stress on myself. So, why am i do that to myself? Cause I'm a bit of a masochist. I need to feel something before I can pour myself completely into my work. While this works best when creating new work, I'm finding it harder to do with revisions.

So, here I am with one week to finish a crap ton of work before I can hit send on an email to my editor. Which is a huge step in my career path. I'm finally taking that big step to getting closer to publishing. Which is exactly what I want.

Procrastination will have no room in my schedule if I'm to get this done in time. Sorry my old friend procrastination, but I have something far more important to get done if I'm to battle the fear that you hold so dear.

Quick someone take my crown before I take it back! Don't let the fear and procrastination take over your life. Hopefully in next weekends update, I will be able to post a victorious "IT'S SENT!" post. No I take that back, I'm determined to get that post up and done next weekend. And with that I'm off to dive in to the nonstop work that I have to do.

I'm so glad that I can share this journey with you all, and it will be great to finally be able to post more about the progress I've made in my career. There is no stand still or steps back, just progress...and epic battles with procrastination.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Denim & Diamonds by Debbie Macomber

With a busy week I found that I was once again saved by listening to an audiobook while I drove on my commute to my day job. Try as I might I just couldn't finish reading the book I'm working on for my next review, while getting in writing time, and working the day job. This week was my very first Debbie Macomber novel, Denim & Diamonds, a contemporary romance set in Wyoming.

Letty Ellison comes home to her family's Wyoming ranch after spending the last 9 years chasing her dream of being a singer in Hollywood with her 5 year old daughter, Cricket, in tow. Letty has to confront her childhood sweetheart, rancher Chase Brown, while finding a way of keeping her major health issue a secrete from him and her brother Lonny.

This was an audiobook that I couldn't get enough of. I found myself walking around carrying my ipad around while I was doing chores around the house while listening to what was going to happen next in Letty and Chase's story, instead of only on my commute to work.

I mean come on, who doesn't like a good cowboy story. They are just so rough and stubborn, yet have a old-school gentleman side that has seemed to have been lost in men today.

Letty's daughter Cricket was adorable and no matter how much the stubborn, cold fronted Chase tried to be Cricket didn't care and broke through that rough exterior to capture his heart just like he had with Letty. Now if only all 5 year-old were as well behaved as Cricket is.

The narrator did an amazing job keeping consistent with the different voices of the characters that helped keep the story moving and not pulling the listener out to wonder which character was really talking.

Now that I've had my first taste of Debbie Macomber's work I will definitely be adding her to authors I need to read more of list. And it's a good thing that she has plenty of books to for fill my small town contemporary needs.

Make sure to check out her website and her other books at

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Last week I talked about a fork in the road. That defining moment where it's time to put up or shut up for where it comes to my writing career. Or at least that is how I see it. For me it was the choice to keep on with the decision I'd said I was going to self publish or keep pursuing traditional. Either way I needed help with my writing. I need an editor. Then again don't we always need an editor? In the long run I want to be a hybrid, write both traditional and indie (self publish). This way no matter what I have control in my career, even if I only end up traditionally publishing one book, I still have a hand in what I release and how it's released. 
Which road will you choose?
I digress, so I've decided to take the road that's unpaved but the trial is becoming more and more clear the more people have decided to go that way. With that I've set my goal and have officially started to invest in myself.

If taking that first step is the hardest, then I'm glad that I've finally did it. I still can't announce when my debut novel will be released as of yet, as I'm waiting to make any announcement until I get my work back from my editor (you heard that right, I officially have an editor that I will be working with on this project) next month. Don't worry though I can confirm that my first release will be a paranormal romance that will come out in 2014.

I know I'm mean and tease you all like none other with those two not so little announcements. But with contracting with an editor I can firmly say that I'm no longer stuck at the fork on the road staring at both ways wondering and debating on the pros and cons of each route.

In the end I've made an executive decision that was not rash or rushed, but a thought out business wise. A persons career goals are very personal, especially when they are apart of your dream job, thus I needed to step back and look at how to get there as if I were someone else who was hired on. How long will it take to get the product out there? How do I need to bring in to make this product the best it can be and at what cost? Is the mental timeline that you have set up actually achievable or do you need to push it back? Branding wise, is this one project the right one you want to make a debut for? Do you have something to follow up with this project to keep that brand going?

Taking in every singe one of those questions into consideration helped me chose the path I chose. And so far I think it's the right path. Then again I'm just on the beginning of a very long road that I'm excited to see where it will take me in the end.

Progress people! It's amazing to feel like I'm actually taking steps into reaching my goal. Not just talking about it and writing whenever I can, but tangible steps. I'm just that much closer to getting to where I want to be.

Don't let fear hold you back from making the choice that feels right for you. Go for it. Make those scary decisions and investments into your dream. The rush you get from doing that is something that not everyone can experience and it's fantastic. I know when I scheduled when to send my work to my official editor my heart was pounding a mile a minute with excitement. I wanted to both cry and cheer with joy before the 'holy shit' moment hit.

Holy Shit moment? Yup, the moment that the hard work is just about to start. Underneath all that excitement and I'll admit there was a moment of I want to quit. I don't want to know if people hate my work. That I'm not a good enough writer. Then I realized it doesn't matter. We all have to start somewhere and I think I have the right editor that will help me grow and learn to be better. Then I found this great quote, It's always too early to quit. In the end I'll never quit. I'll always keep write cause with being self published I'm doing this for me and my future readers. Yes it is a business, but it's my business. I write for me. I publish for me. Don't let anyone tell you do otherwise. They aren't the ones putting in the hard work to make your dreams happen. It's all on you.

But don't worry, you're not alone. You have me to cheer you on. Invest in yourself. Invest in your dreams and keep making progress. Keep walking towards your dream goals. And don't forget that sledge hammer to help knock down those doors that were once closed or those pesky roadblocks. In the end there will always be roadblocks. Never let them forever stop you.
I can't wait until I can make the official title name release, the date it will release, and cover reveals. Till then I will leave you all wanting more. :) I know I'm evil like that. Just know that I'm closer than I have ever been. And for that I wanted to share that progress with you all. Cause it's always possible to make that progress, even if it's a baby step.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rebellious Desire by Julie Garwood

Lately I've been on a kick of audio books since I have an hour drive one way to work. This last week I've listened to Rebellious Desire by Julie Garwood's second book of her already twenty plus books she has had published in her career.

I'll admit I've already read pretty dang close to all of her books in her contemporary series as well as one of her westerns. Needless to say after reading nine or so of her books, I'm a fan. Rebellious Desire was the first Regency novel I've taken on as well as my first audiobook.

Here's my negative take on the whole thing that really has nothing to do with the story but my taste in the reading (it was an English woman reading)which I know is biased. I love accents and with the story taking place in England is fitting and was fun to listen to. What can I say I have a thing for accents? Yet, when there was no infliction of tone to direct the listeners attention that it is the male lead talking instead of the female I had to really listen to what the character was saying in order to determine just who exactly was talking. Also, thank goodness for action lines or else I might have been lost more times than not.

Other than those few times when the female reader didn't lower her vocal register to differentiate between the characters, I loved the story of Caroline and The Duke of Bradford.

Born in England to an Earl Caroline was sent to go live with her Aunt and Uncle until 14 years later as an adult she was summoned to come home. Having grown up in Boston, Caroline isn't your typical Lady making her debut to society in London. Yet, she had gain the attention and desires of the Duke of Bradford, one of London's most eligible bachelors. Tall, handsome, cocky, with a temper that matched his passions Jered Marcus Benton had met his match. Both drawn to each other like a moth to a flame, they both struggle with how to deal with the others emotions and desires and realizing that their love is deep enough if they learn to accept the other for who they really are and not just what the London society sees.

Excitment, danger, love, attraction and regency era London society rules. What isn't there to love as Julie Garwood brings you into a time that not everyone can write so seamlessly without being overly cheesy or bore you with overly dramatic descriptions of the time. Caroline and her Jered's story, along with the love story of her cousin that helps drive Caroline and Jered to trust each other in a way they have never had before, is one that I will make sure to enjoy in paperback or ereader.

Make sure to check out Julie Garwood's other works that she has out as well as her website at

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 2 of NaNoWriMo

As most of you know November is national novel writing month. It's a challenge for the anyone to take to write 50,000 words in 30 days. That's right, 1,667 words a day. No editing needed, just write to get your word count done. I think it's a great writing workout personally cause it makes you get into the habit of writing daily. That way once NaNo is done you can make every month NaNo month, cause you are already in the habit of writing everyday.

Today is day 2 of 30. I've reached day one goal of just 1,800 words and I'm hoping to bypass that today and tomorrow with it being the weekend. In hopes to find more productive time writing I've started waking up earlier going straight for the coffee maker so fallowed by my computer.

Wait you're waking up early? Yes, around 4am if I can. I know I'm a crazy person, but I'm also going to bed earlier so that I can get a goodnights sleep. Though that doesn't seem to help keep my goofy/loopy side in check during the week day. On the upside I feel more awake through out the day. then again that could also be cause I've been taking essential oils for vitamins and there other uses.

Anyways, since I've found that writing in the dark with only the light of my laptop helps me block out the world enough for work to be busted out like none other, I'm trying to take advantage of it, since not only am I working on a new manuscript for NaNo, but I'm working on an edit for another to be able to get it to my editor sooner than later.

With that being said it's time to get back to work so that hopefully in the not too far off future you can actually read a book of mine. Cause it's going to happen, so you better get ready for it. Till then I will write ALL the words only to later to keep some of the words.

Good luck to all my fellow NaNo writers, go write! What are you doing still reading things when you should be writing?