
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Follow Your Gut

When it comes to making decisions I like hearing people opinions, but in the end you have to follow your gut feeling. Cause when it comes down it, it's your decision to follow through with your decision. What am I talking about exactly? Well, here is the basis of what I'm talking about. Every year or so I get an itch to move or do something drastically different that most people think I'm insane for donig. At the moment it's an itch to move out of California to Portland or Seattle. What? Are you crazy? It's always raining there! Yup I know. I like the cold and love the rain. But unlike my itch to move, I'm not going to get up and go right away. Nope. I'm not crazy. Believe it or not I'm pretty responsible. Before going anywhere I will make sure that I have a job that can support me. With having a car payment, this is very important. So why the interest in the Pacific Northwest? Well, about 6 years or so ago, my sister had lived in Portland and the few other times I've visited I've fallen in love with the place. In fact one of my novels takes place just outside of Seattle. I love all the green, water, and bridges. Plus my all time favorite book store is there. This past weekend I did a drive north to watch two of my sisters skate and it was just cemented that I have to start doing some research in to potentially moving up there. Even my good friend that went with me fell in love with the state and is even looking to make a move as well. So, I'm fallowing my gut that this would be a great move. Especially if I'm able to get a job in a field that I love, ie publishing or film. These are two of my greatest passions and have had the hardest of times finding work in them. Hence me being stuck in accounting. Weither it comes to what you are writing or if you want to make a major life change, follow your gut. More times than not it will lead you in the right direction. Now that I've had my little rant on the fact that I want to make a move in my life out of the Bay Area, I have to get back to least for while I'm at my day job. Gotta pay my bills. :) Good luck in your writing all! I sure know we could all use a little more luck in our lives.

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