
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Distraction in Research

For the past few weeks have been a bit crazy, as well as my focus has been off kilter, making it difficult to write. But with the lack of focus and time on writing I have used some distractions in time to do research on some other books ideas I've been mulling around with.

Pray-tell what am I researching you ask?

Well, I've now a ton of new pages to read on werewolf lore, lyconthropy, other kin, and a lot of information on different government agencies (what can I say I can't remember all things I leaned when in polisci classes in school).

The government research is for an idea about s girl who has known nothing but being a spy. Not being one to follow politics, it's key to make sure that I know which agency does what and who's involved. Just maybe I should have kept my Politic Science text books from college. Opps. I'll survive and still be able to write this book. That is with the help of some research.

As for the werewolf lore and lyconthropy? Well I have a two different works that have weres in them. One that is the center of the story, the other one minor character is a wereleporad. The more I look up on lore I'm finding it more and more interesting. For example did you know that it wasn't until the 19th century that werewolves lore began to change so that it was spread by bite/scratch, can be hurt by silver and have a human/wolf form. In the weres were curses for 7 years and can be associated to witchcraft, etc. It's all rather interesting if you ask me.

Anyways it's getting late, and I've been really enjoying reading up on all the different stuff I want to use as reference in future books. Some times I forget that I can count research as working for writing. It's just one of the first steps to getting to the finished project. And reading them is almost as fun as writing if you ask me. Though I have to admit it would be nice to be able to already know things before I go into writing mode. Unfortunately I'll stick to doing research the old fashion way...with books and the internet.

Have fun with your writing and research! I know I am!

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