
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Deep Healing Breaths

The phrase, 'deep healing breaths', has been said in my family for as long as I can remember and I still use it today. What does it mean? And why do I say it? Well, life is full of stress and anxiety and can be overwhelming at times. Deep healing breaths is a reminder to take a second to relax. To fill your lungs with new fresh air and breathe out all the stress that seems to radiate through our lives. With working a full time day job on top of writing with every minute I can. If not writing, then thinking about it along with everything that goes along with the self publishing process. Needless to say there is more than enough to worry about. Deep healing breathes may only be a small relaxation technique, but it's also a reminder that we all need to relax more.

So, with last weekend being my birthday I took the weekend off and relaxed. Not only relaxed but was able to not worry about what I should have been doing, working. Then the work week happened and the evil stress monster came back with a vengeance to get my shoulders up to my ears with tension.

With the not so subtle nudging by a co-worker to spoil myself, to truly relax, and book myself a massage. Let's just say that it was one of the best decisions I've made in a long time. As well as a smack in the face that I need to do a better job of balancing a work, play, a social life, and the big one, relaxation.

That being said I'm determined not to burn myself out before I even have my career going full force as a writer. So, take the time to do more than deep healing breaths. Spoil yourself every now and again. It will be more refreshing for your creativity then you will realize.

With a deep healing breath I will dive in to making sure that I renew my creativity. To take advantage of true relaxation. Of living a life that can balance out the workaholic that drives me to reach my dreams. Cause without those deep healing breaths we will be a big bundle of nerves that will end up being miserable.

Still happy as a clam after last nights massage, I'm going to enjoy a classic film I've never seen on the big screen at my local theater. That's right Labyrinth. And after that some writing to top off a nice night of game night with the roomies.

Remember deep healing breaths, take time for yourself and keep chasing those dreams to make them a reality. I know after this weekend I will be making sure to do this far more often then I have done in the past.

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