
Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Today I got in the mail a letter from my grandmother who will occasionally send me a letter every couple of months to catch up. Including a few dollars for an ice cream cone, so that if we were together she'd be the one to take me out for a treat. It's cute and makes me feel like I'm a bit of a kid a again. Being the youngest granddaughter I'll always be a child in her eyes, even if she does now have a dozen or so great grand babies as well. No none are from me.

Any ways, as I was musing over the lovely update of everything that is happening in my grandmother's life, and family farm, it got me thinking. People don't get enough mail. No, I'm not talking about junk mail and bills. I'm talking actual letters. Every rare occasion I get a letter or package in the mail from someone it brightens my day. With technology and instant gratification rampart no one takes the time to write anything by hand, it's all email and instant messages and text messages.

It brought back a memory from when I was a child going to a great aunts house where she brought out boxes of letters between her and her husband from when they met throughout their marriage. Decades of letters in boxes. Including when he was gone to war, yup during WWII.

 The fact that they kept writing letters even through there is amazing. This is what love stories are made of. And why us writers try to grasp in our novels. Here's my question, do people still write love letters or even real letters?

Men gripe over women wanting romance. The thing that they don't realize is that something so simple and easy to do, like a letter or hand written note can do the job. A simple I'm thinking of you, I miss you, even an I love you does the trick.

With that being said, I think I'm going to start writing more letters. Even just a simple note to a family member instead of a email or text. When surprise mail arrives it always makes my day, so why not do the same with others. I suggest everyone do the same. Seriously why not take the time to make someone you care about, friend or family by doing something so small as a simple note.

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