
Saturday, August 4, 2012


RWA12, Romance Writers of America 2012 National Conference, has now officially come and gone. I was hoping to get this blog written sooner, but playing catch up at the day job as well as trying to work out some of my own writing schedule has put updating my blog behind what I would have liked. Well, I'm here now. :)

This years RWA conference was my first conference I've ever attended. It was a big step for me. A scary big step, since I'm still starting the beginning of my journey of navigating my way into the publishing world, both as an aspiring author and hopefully one day as an editor or agent (still trying to figure out that last part). Before I filled out my registration back in April I had a rather intense debate with myself. The conference was during the busiest time of the month at my day job and it's a big no no to take time off then. So, after talking to my boss and him pretty much giving me the go ahead, I had to really think about it. Can I afford it? Yes. Is this going to be a big investment into my future? Yes. Will I know anyone there? Hell no. Will I learn a lot from people who've had hands on experience? Yes. And the big question...Will I regret it if I don't go? Yes. 100% yes I will.

With all my fears and excitement in check, I did it. I dove in and singed up. And in the end the conference was more than what I expected. I've made a few friends, which wasn't too hard. Most of the people I'd talk to were really sweet and gave me some amazing advice. I even wore an epic onezie to the Harlequin PJ party. FYI...It's a great conversation starter if you don't know any one.  Not to mention I ended up coming home with a grand total of 69 books. Ummm for all that is holy! You don't even know how excited I got when I found out about the author signings that were publisher sponsored. Thank you, thank you, thank you Publishers. You made it possible for this little broke aspiring author to get new books from authors I've never read before without having to break my bank account. I'm so excited to go and enjoy the worlds that they had created and share them with everyone.

With all the great goodies set aside, this conference wasn't about free stuff for me, it was about learning about the industry and how to better hone my craft. And I did just that. By attended as many of the workshops as I could with out exhausting myself and overloading my brain with all the great information, I've come home with a notebook full of great notes and plenty of handouts to review again. Some workshops stood out over others, and some weren't quite what I had expected (which is normal) but in the end every speaker knew their craft and could have kept talking for more than the allotted hour. And that alone gets me excited about what they were talking about. People who are truly passionate about their craft is awe-inspiring. Not everyone can write a book, but those of us who can not only do it once but keep doing it with all the struggles that are involved in it, not doing it for the money, but for the joy of bringing people into the worlds they had created, is amazing. These are my people.

Kind of nerdy but true. Not once did I have to explain why I write the genres I do. Not once did I have to explain why I write period. Not once did I have to explain why I carry a pen, notebook, and novel in my purse. Not once did I have to explain the characters that live in my head and talk to me. Why didn't  I have to do this? Because, in one way or another everyone else in attendance are like me. Don't get me wrong, not one of use are the same, but the experiences and struggles we all go through are similar for the most part. We all have ups and downs, and we all get writers block at times.

For me going to RWA12 was a way to for me to step out of my comfort zone and put myself as a writer out there. And I'm more than thrilled I did. My once hesitation about joining RWA and my local chapter is gone, and I'm going to start going to meetings and join up. Being able to talk to and be around like minded people when I'm trying to pursue a new career is exactly what I need. To be able to not have to try to explain myself for a much needed peptalk from nonwriter friends can be done so in this group.

I also got my first rejection from an agent and I'm oddly happy about it. It was my first time pitching and her remarks about my work were some things I've been thinking of changing. It also made me realize my one rather large mistake. I've put my work in the wrong genre. It doesn't have the level of suspense that is needed to be in that genre. It does have a good amount, but it's just not right. Thank you agent! You made me realize my mistake and confirm the changes I want to make in the manuscript. So back to the drawing board, I go.

Why am I so happy about a rejection? Well this industry is full of them and to have the first one done and over with just makes me realize that I can do this. It didn't kill me or make me want to stop writing. It made me want to become a better writer and wait till I find the right agent/editor for my work. I got time and I'm sure as hell not going to stop writing in the process.

Any ways I'm in this for the long haul and will keep writing and putting myself out there for as long as it takes. Who knows I might be the next lightening bolt star author out there. Or I'll just slowly get my name out there and gain a good reputation. Either way works for me. I'm just happy to write and have people enjoy the worlds and characters I've had the pleasure of exploring myself. This is not a make it big rich industry. Some do, but not everyone. And that is fine with me.

I'm off to go do some editing and writing with this renewed excitment of I can do this. I can really put my work out there and call myself an author...not just a hobby. :) Thanks for all the wonderful people I met at RWA12 and those who put it together. You have done more for me than you can ever know. And I thank you for that. I'll see you all again next year at RWA13 in Atlanta!

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