
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Before You Hit Send Workshop

For the last few weeks I've been attending an online workshop on self editing, Before You Hit Send, by the wonderful Angela James of Carina Press, and I suggest that everyone take it. New writer, experienced writer, writer with little confidence and writers with more confidence then what they know what to do with should eventually take this course.

Yes, this means that you are going to have to take time out of your busy schedule of day jobs and writing to go over some basics of grammar and then going into more detail of more complex topics that us writers might forget about when it comes to our editing process. You know the little thing called backing up your work? Yes, the thing we all forget to do. She talks about and give some great suggestions and websites that will help you be able to do so.

With Angela having years of experience of editing in the publishing world she gets straight to the point with each of the lessons, even giving mini assignments to help us writers put that lesson to work. As someone who is a bit ADD, okay I'm alot ADD at times, the classes are easy to read and follow along. Yes, grammar can be tedious and frustrating as hell, but Angela does a great job with making it a bit more easy to understand. I know that I struggle with some more of the intricate rules in grammar. With the review I admit I'm still boggled by them, but do feel more comfortable that they wont be running awry everywhere in my writing. At least I hope they wont. :)

Think you know it all? Well guess what we don't. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's true. Writing is an ever growing craft that the more you do it, the more you improve. This also means taking classes or workshops to help flush out some things your might have forgotten over time. So, take advantage of the classes that experienced professionals put on. Though I'm sure that there are more than a few smucks out there posing as them. Do your research! But, I promise you think one thing if you take this serious. You will come out learning ten fold what you thought you would. Plus Angela does interact with her students in the forum. Have a question? Ask and it will be answered. With other people posting questions as well you might also learn from others as well.

Who knew right? Learning from others questions? Odd concept right. ;)

Anyways, as an aspiring author I'm glad I threw down the few bucks (yes it cost money, but trust me it's worth every cent. PS it's really, really, really, affordable)

Having been in the editing process for two different books, I'm glad I took the class. I've always been nervous about letting other read my work, but honestly now with an established list of things I need to be looking for I'm more comforatble in my writing and putting it out there. That is what it is to be a writer right? To have others be able to enjoy our work. No matter how many works you might have, no one will be able to enjoy the hours of hard work you put into it if you don't feel as if you've cleaned it up enough for other to read.

I know this post is a rant about how you should take this class, and you should, but it's up to you to take the incentive to learn from others and grow in your craft. No, no one asked me to write this post to try to get people to take the class, but if I really enjoy something then I'm going to talk about it. Let it be a book, a blog, a movie, a class, or some really funny joke a friend told me once, I'm going to blog about it.

But seriously learn from those who are in the industry that you want to be in. Twitter and blogs have been an amazing tool for me to find publishing houses, agents, and editors that focus in my genres. Believe it or not they actually talk about things that as a writer that wants to be published one day are amazing tips to be able to get yourself to your goal.

So here are Angela James and Carina Press' sites that I suggest you check out:

-Angela James' website:
-Carina Press's blog:

One last thing: Thanks, Angela, for helping me feel more confident my a craft that I hope to be able to make a full time career and not just the little hobby that my friends like to think this as. I'm glad I took the class and can't wait to put it to work. But really, I am a lot more confident in my editing skills because of this class.

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