
Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resolutions

The realization that today is the last day of 2012 hasn't quite sunk in yet, though I have started to think about all the things that I've done and want to continue on improving for 2013. New Year Resolutions always are the topic of this time of year and for me personally I feel like so many people set goals that are unattainable because either they give themselves too many goals it's impossible to reach them all, they set the few goals they have to high they can't reach or they put too much pressure on them that if they don't reach one of the goals the year is a complete failure.

Well this year I've decided that I'm going to give myself a few goals that I know I can reach as long I keep put them into my weekly routine and not use excuses to cut them out, as well as looking at all the small things that I have been able to accomplish along the way. Without recognizing accomplishments, no matter how small, I think is key to staying motivated as if it were day one. It means that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel no matter how far away it might be. You're making progress and that's an amazing accomplishment in itself, rather than having never started or giving up in the end.

So to begin in saying farewell to 2012 I want to look back all the things that I have accomplished.
- I went to my very first writers conference.
- I created a general game plan for my writing career and I'm happy with it. (Note: I have not set a timeline for myself as to when I'm going to be published. I'm going to keep creating new work while putting finished work out there and making edits on them to make them better. I don't think I will become a big famous writer overnight and I'm fine with that as long as I'm trying.)
- I've started a complete rewrite of my first novel having completed 50,000 words in a month.
- I attempted my first National Novel Writing Month (on the rewrite) and plan on making this a tradition (Not necessarily on the rewriting part)
- I've been keeping up with my personal blog, missed a few weeks but have been doing a thousand times better than I have in the past.
- I've started Novelous Ladies and have some amazing friends to have joined me in talking about the books we are reading.  (and I've only missed my weekly posting goal maybe twice. I call that a win)
- I had my first in person pitch to an agent and learned more than if I hadn't put myself out there.
- I've sent my query letter to several agents and have even had a partial request. Still haven't found the right person to be my agent yet, but I'm still positive of all the things I'm learning along the way.
- In my day job I've been given more responsibilities and we are all ready talking about my future in the company. Happy dance I'm not going to be a clerk for the rest of my life.
- I  made my very first big purchase as an adult. That's right people, I bought myself a car. One that I chose on my own and with an amazing mom to give me a loan to help me keep the APR super low I was able to reach this goal. (Thanks MOM!)
- I paid off all my credit cards. That's right people I'm starting off 2013 with no credit card dept, school loans. I only got my car loan. I think that alone deserves a happy dance.

Now with 2013 coming in less than 24 hours it's time to come up with all the things I would like to accomplish in the upcoming year.
- Put in a workout routine into my week. It doesn't have to be anything big but at least get out for a walk/jog 2-3 times a week. It's time to focus on my health just as much as I do into my writing.
- Limit the amount of junk food that I consume. Personally the word diet freaks me out. More times than not people who diet end up putting so many restrictions on themselves that they end up failing. So, what does that mean for me? Well, it's about moderation. No rushing through a meal that only turns into over eating and feeling like crap. It also means eating smaller portions and stopping when satisfied. Snacking is fine, having sweets every once and a while is fine. It's making more healthy food a staple rather then junk food. Meaning I have to cook more times than not. I'm not the best cook in the world but the food I make is a thousand times more healthy than if I did fast food. That alone will help in the desire to get healthy, ie loosing weight.
- Keep up with the weekly posts on Novelous Ladies and coming up with more ways to interact and grow it's presence on Facebook.
- Keep up with my weekly personal blog.
- Go to at least the Romance Writers of America Conference in Atlanta this year, and if possible make it out to the RT Book Lovers Conference in  Kansas City as well.
- Keep sending out query letters to literary agents the meet my personal expectations of what I want in a person who will eventually work hand in hand with me to reach all my publishing goals.
- Finish my rewrite and keep working on, potentially finishing Blue Moon.
- Do another edit of Mackenzie Falls now that I have Scrivener to help break it down.
- Take on NaNoWriMo

Yup, those sound pretty good to me and I think that they are all possible to accomplish in the next 365 days.

For those who are going out for New Years stay safe and have a good time bringing in the New Year. Good luck on all your new resolutions and see you all on the other side of the year. May your  2013 be a thousand times better than your 2012. :)

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