
Saturday, February 9, 2013

High School Drama Tendancy

This has been a long week in the world of my day job. One of my accountants I assist not only had to deal with his baby girl being sick last week but with getting so sick that it kicked in his asthma so bad he had to stay home extra days trying to breathe. As I've been lucky with asthma I've never had major issues like had but damn do I feel his paid when he was wheezing the days he was able to make it into the office.

I found it kind of ironic that when he had called my boss to let us know how he was doing he had mentioned just how much he felt like he was 12 years old again. The big kid with glasses, not able to run a mile, can't breathe properly and a total nerd. This had me not only cracking up but it seemed to fit the weeks unofficial theme of acting like we are all back in high school. And for me personally high school is not a time that I want to go back and revisit or relive. Okay, if I had to redo it I'd 100% do it differently. I'd ignore all the family drama and focus on myself and dancing more.

Where am I going with this high school tangent you ask? Well, working in an office can be exactly like being back at high school sometimes. People wont communicate why they are upset, there are clicks, and there are more gossip than there needs to be.

Let me just put it this way, every type of high school drama. From silent treatment. To gossip. To cutting someone off from a group. To tattling. To backstabbing and denying it. To snooping. All happened within a span of 5 days. Don't get me wrong, one or a few always happen but all at once? What the hell? Was something in the air? Maybe in the water? Whatever it is I sure hope that it will be done and gone by the time Monday rolls around and all the big bosses roll back into the office.

Office drama, I know it happens everywhere. But one of the things I've loved about my department since I've started working with this company is that we have all become a little family and get along great. We may have a few frustrating moments with the other, that's normal, but we talk it through and get on with getting our lives. Then again I work with two awesome guys and a female insurance coordinator that is so laid back. These are people I love working with. Even with drama in our work lives we are able to help the others get through it and make them laugh.

Who knew that almost ten years after high school I'd still get pulled into drama by women in there 40s going on 13. Yesh. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? Well, I'm now working on how to hone my business skills and keep work getting done without letting drama effect our efficiency. With 2 accountants and me as a helper bee to get three offices worth of accounting done, there is no time to dwell on the negative and keep moving forward. 

Thus ends my little rant about high school drama. No matter what it's always around. Best thing you can do is just keep going and not let it effect you like others want it to.

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