
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday

Personally I'm not a big football fan. If I had a choice I'd rather watch rugby. Then again that is only because I know the rules since I played it while I was in college. Football to me is rather slow with very little action. I know, I know, please don't hate. I get a lot of grief from my co-workers who are big football fans that I can be into rugby but not football. But hey, I'll take nonstop hits in two 40 minute halves with the only equipment required are cleats and a mouth guard, no forward passes, and non stop movement on the pitch with players having to play both offense and defense, with no subbing back and forth unless blood is on the pitch. Yup, now that is a game. Not to mention that during the average game a player will run at least 5 miles. Talk about endurance.

Now, that I have my little rant out of the way about rugby vs football out of the way, today is the big day for all football fans. That's right it's Super Bowl Sunday and my city's team is in it. Not only has the San Francisco Giants won the World Series, but out 49rs are in the Super Bowl. Needless to say that the city will go just as crazy or worse if we win the Super Bowl on top of winning the World Series...and I'll never hear the end of it from my co-workers. The second could be a lot worse. But this last year people were rather stupid and decided to destroy public property and if I remember correctly light a bus on fire. Luckily no one was on the bus, but I mean come on people let's not destroy the city that you say you love so much.

So, what am I doing on Super Bowl Sunday? I'm writing. Plotting out new books, writing works in progress, sending out a query letter to a dream agent of mine, doing a load of laundry (you're welcome co-workers, I like you enough to make sure I don't smell or come in wearing my pajamas), oh and I did bet on the Super Bowl (it's actually 4 squares, and I left out the breakdown of which are my numbers at work, so I wont know if I actually win money unless I get a text from my boss or till I get to work tomorrow. Opps my bad), oh and I can't forget about updating my wonderful blogs here and Novelous Ladies. I know it all sounds like a blast. And guess what...that's my usual weekend since I dedicate them to focus on writing, while weekdays are reading for Novelous Ladies.

Why do you as? Well, one of the best advice I've gotten is that if you don't have time to read what is out there in your genre then you don't have time to write. And well what better than being inspired by those who have gone through the same struggles of writing a book and succeeded. You know what? I think that it does help me. It pushes me to keep writing. To keep improving to one day be able to say that I have a published novel. That I know the market well enough that what is out there and what isn't. To know what makes a good story and then tell it in my own way that will make people want to read it.

So, now it's time for me to get back to work in keeping making steps to the big goal of writing novels for a living. It will happen. It's just going to take time and a lot of hard work.

Now, go enjoy the Super Bowl day and for those in the City, stay safe and go San Francisco!

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