
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Troubling Week

This week has had it's ups and downs. And while I sit here trying to figure out what to write (I've deleted about two other posts so far), I just have to say this...

Thank you to the first responders for all that you do. Day in and day out, no matter what or when you are the ones who are the every day hero that makes it possible for us to live in such a wonderful place. You put your lives in danger to help others. Thank you.

For those who were directly effected by the Boston Bombing, or Texas explosions. I'm deeply sorry for everything that you have and will go through. Know that you are not alone, and that you can get through these hard times.

For those of us who haven't had to deal with anything as traumatic hug the people you love. Don't let the little things turn in to world ending issues. Don't regret anything. Dream big and don't let anyone stop you. If you put your mind to it you can reach those dreams.

During times of need, ask for help. You'd be amazed at just how many people are out there to lend you a hand if you just ask for it.

And even when the sky seems like it will never be blue again, use the wonderful internet to look at pictures of cute baby animals. Cause there is no way you can't not smile at a guilty puppy for making a mess, or a napping kitten being snuggled by it's friend.

We can get through this horrible week and come back stronger. You're not a lone in hard times, no matter what they are. And thank you to those who put themselves in danger to help others. The world needs more selfless people like you.

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