
Sunday, July 14, 2013

That Gut Feeling

You know the one that I'm talking about. That feeling that's deep down in your gut that tells you if you're heading in the right direction when your rational mind has over analyzed things to the point you can't tell what's up or down. This Gut feeling is one that I've come to listen to in the last few years without a doubt. It's told me that the risks I've taken were worth taking, and it's protected me from the times when I thought it was too good to be true, that it was in fact too good to be true and would have pulled me down a path that no one wants to go through.

Why you ask am I talking about this Gut feeling? What has gotten me to contemplate this instinct that so many of us ignore many of the time? Well, I've been thinking about the dreams that we each have for ourselves and what it takes to turn them into a reality. Which then led me to these questions, is it possible to have too many dreams that you want to achieve at once, and are there dreams that are more important that others, if so how do we chose those to become a reality and those that don't.

Deep, I know. I have my moments.

Sitting here in my room with my feet sticking out of under my ever present lap blanket to stay off the San Francisco summer, which is always more like winter, and I'm listening to my Gut as my rational/responsible side argues with my free spirit/devil side.

And the gist of what I've come to the conclusion is this:

You can never dream too much. Never once should you have to give those dreams up. For which ones you should chase down that's when you have to listen to your Gut. The bases of this whole thing is to never give up on your dreams. Even when it comes to rearranging which ones you put at the top of your priority list, which usually is the easiest achievable of the bunch.

If something is too good to be true more times than not it is. Don't let your excitement of something happening over shadow that gut feeling if you should follow through with what's going on. Case in point the ever classic, the photographer and model. If you pay me x dollars to take your photos you'll be a star overnight, oh and while you're at it why not take your top off too. Yea, don't let your excitement stop you from listening to your gut that says 'um, maybe this isn't right, maybe you should wait.'

Sometimes our dreams change over time and that's fine. Sometimes we fail. That's when you get back up. Brush yourself off and keep going. And for those that tell you that your dreams aren't valid. That you are going to fail. Well, fuck them. They aren't their dreams. They are yours own them. Be proud that you're taking a step towards making them into a reality.

Yes, I'm in a contemplative mood, but here's why... I have a lot of dreams. Dreams that I'm actively working on turning into a reality. Personally those dreams all happen to fall into my career path. Which also aren't just one job. What? You want more than one job? Let me put it this way. I want to be in publishing. Period. As a writer. As an Acquisitions editor. As an Agent. Will all these happen? Most likely not. But I do want to to make one of the last two happen while I enjoy writing in my free time. Being all three at the same time isn't going to happen but here's what I want. I want to help those like minded people, like myself, who enjoy creating worlds to get their work out there for everyone to enjoy.

I may not be the best writer in the world but one thing is for god damn sure. I love books. I love seeing and being around those who are passionate about what they do. And my gut is telling me that one day, somehow I will be able to say I'm apart of that process.

Never will I give up my dreams of writing. And never will I give up my dreams of being apart of the publishing process in other ways. It's possible to have all your dreams come true.

Or so my Gut says so. And so far when it's come to business my Gut hasn't let me down. Even in the times that I recognize that I didn't listen to it. I picked myself up, shook my head at myself for ignoring my Gut and moved on.

So listen to your Gut. Listen to it when it says to take that flying leap off that metaphorical cliff to follow your dreams. Cause guess what? More times that not that leap of faith that your Gut is telling you what to do will pay out of the better. Might get a few bumps and bruises, but then again what's life without the struggles.

With music blaring through my headphones as I write this, my Gut is loud and clear. It's saying, 'keep going. Keep taking those risks. Keep putting yourself out there, even with the doubts in my back of your head and friends that don't get it. There is light at the end of the tunnel you just happen to have to dig said tunnel with a spork (yea I threw in a Spork instead of spoon, cause they are so much better).' Even with my rational mind trying to over think things, you have to listen to that Gut feeling. Cause you know what? If I listened to my rational controlled mind I'd never reach my goals and life would be boring.

And well, I like playing with my imaginary friends and those imaginary friends that other put down on the page for me to enjoy as well.

Thus ends my deep pondering thoughts for the day. I'm going to now go watch a movie with robots and monsters now. Cause my Gut told me to. And when it says to watch a movie about robots and monsters in the same movie, who am I to argue.

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