
Saturday, December 28, 2013

White Christmas

Last year when I pulled into the long term parking at the airport I got the message that my flight was cancelled with no way out of town until I'd literally would spend 24 hours visiting family. This year I was nervous that the same thing would happen again and I'd end up alone in my apt. Alas the odds were in my favor and not only did I catch my flight but I had my white Christmas. For years it has become a bit of a tradition that I spend my Christmas with my Mother and visiting all my family that live in the Utah area. It's always great catching up with them and seeing just how much there own families have grown.

The Christmas Onezie while sick
Not only was luck in my favor but I got to see my sister and her husband for more than a few minutes as they took off to visit his family out of state not too long after I arrived. That we all got to open presents early together and hang out was one of the best presents I could have gotten. It wasn't until I was there that I realized just how much I needed to be surrounded by my family and extended family. With wild and crazy munchkins running around, with my grand mother watching on as almost all 22 great grand kids run around causing the usual chaos. Four generations in all in one place is amazing.

View from my room in Park City
Minor detail that I had to figh
t off the altitude sickness that last almost as long as I'm there I have to say that it was a pretty awesome time seeing everyone. Even got up to Park City where every year my mother takes me on a tour around her home town telling me about everything and everything. I can practically recite the stories myself, still I let her go on about how that was the rail that she broke her arm on sliding down it. Or that the road that leads to Deer Valley Ski resort used to be the red light district when Park City was a small minor town.

And of course as we drive down Park City Main St in there historic district we drive up to Zoom Restaurant owned by Robert Redford and my mom grins. For this was the house that my mom grew up in for years. It was the old Pacific Rail Road Depot that my Grandfather once worked in as the family lived upstairs. They were the last family before the Depot shut down. There are many memories for my mom and her family here and I love that she still gets excited to tell me stories how she would stomp on the top floor trying to get her fathers attention to help her with something. Or that she noticed that the windows had changed. Or that she used to crawl out the bad window of her room to go play with friends when she had gotten in trouble.

Train Depot turned Restaurant in Park City
Overall the trip was well worth going negative in my vacation time. I even got to see my dad as he was about to leave town the day I flew back. Note to self and anyone else: Never take the first flight in and then go directly to work. You will be exhausted and hopped up on so much caffeine that it's probably not the best idea. Awake at 2am and going till late in the night I was anything but productive. Though I did get a good chunk of work done.

I'd planned on getting some writing done while I was visiting my mom and in Park City, alas I didn't even open my laptop. Which in the end was probably a good idea, cause I couldn't even think straight let alone put good words down. Though I did read Tiffany Resiz The Angel while there. Which is an EPIC book. I love that woman's writing. She pushes boundaries with such ease it doesn't feel forced.  I recommend it to everyone who's like 50 Shades of Grey and want a good BDSM novel. I like to call her work Literary Smut. All the great writing of literature with plenty of steamy sex.

Anyways, I hope you all had a great holiday. With the year coming to an end it's time to get the resolutions together along with the goals I'm determined to reach. I can't wait for it to start cause I know it will be a big year for me and I get to share it all with you all. I know you're excited too for all the announcements I will get to make. I know I'm a tease. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

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