
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Facing Fears to Chase Dreams

Today my big sister is taking another step to chasing her new dream in music by auditioning for the TV show The Voice. She had done it last year on a whim because she wanted to face her fear of speaking/singing in public. She had a court case that I'm so proud that she stood up for women rights and in that she found her dream. For that I couldn't be more proud of her.

Ty has always had an amazing voice with the natural ability to project so that the people in the back of a room can hear her. Like many talented kids growing up people teased that she didn't need a microphone during a solo and as Ty grew up she kept to only singing in the car and out of public. That is until the last year. Ty has found her voice in so many different ways this last year that I couldn't be a prouder little sister.

All of us kids had a hand in music one way or another growing up, piano, trumpet, drums, trombone, etc. That through one struggle in life that Ty had found her passion again I'm so excited to see her grow in it and by facing her fears she's growing more and more. And now here she is once afraid to sing in public singing at the top of her lungs for all to hear at Karaoke nights at bars, looking for bands that need a singer, and auditioning for a major TV show about singing.

As I'm sitting here in my usual weekend coffee shop with another window open on my current work in progress, with edits coming from my editor in the next few days I can't seem to not smile. Chasing your dream in one thing. It's hard and not everyone understands it. It's called a dream for a reason cause so many people can't get to it. It stays just that, a dream. Then when you start chasing it in real you get this high of excitement that you're actually doing it, even in the low struggling moments you can't help but feel this satisfaction that you are doing it. Then comes the next wave of fear. Not that you are chasing your dream, but that it might actually become a reality.

I've found that many people go running for the hills again when there dreams are a reality so real that they can't believe it and turn away, once again turning it into a dream. That I'm getting closer to my own dreams of being a published author I'm seeing people in a new light. Those who have the inner strength to take the risk of chasing there dream, those who don't believe that they can do it thus never trying, those who deny that it's possible to have a dream turned reality, and those who have a dream but can't see that they have the inner strength to be able to chase there dreams.

I've watched my sister change over time so that she is now seeing that she can have her dreams even through the ups and downs the journey of it is what really matters. I'm so proud that she hasn't given up. She is she thriving more than ever in this new stage of her life to let others enjoy the sounds of her voice as much as she loves singing. I will always treasure our times together in the car, windows rolled down, music blasting, and us singing at the top of our lungs (me not so in tune with the music) not caring if she looked like crazy people to others that drive past us.

It's taken in a while to realize this, but don't fear that talent that you have. Embrace it. It's something that others may not understand yet that usually goes the same with dreams. There is only one person that needs to understand that, and that's you.

While thinking of my sister I can't stop being proud of everyone that finds that thing that makes you smile uncontrollably. It has become more and more normal for people to take up things that make them miserable and settle for it. Thinking that being sad, depressed, and hating your job is what life is supposed to be. It's not. Don't let anyone make you ashamed of your dreams or talents.

Good luck big sister in your big audition! I'm so proud of you that you are finding the person I've always seen inside you that peaks it's glittery fabulous head out when you bust out in song. You inspire me to keep chasing my own dreams and one reason why I come on hear to talk about my own journey, in hopes that even in my downs that I can help inspire others to do the same. It may not be in writing, but I hope that everyone else can find that uncontrollable happy smile that they get when they are doing something that they love. Ty I'm happy that you can join the club in helping spread that love and inspiration.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to get back to my work in progress. I've got edits coming back this week. Know what that means? One step closer to my own dream. Yes as terrifying as it is I can't stop smiling.

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