
Thursday, April 5, 2012

I don't understand...

"We don't understand what you are doing, but we support you."

This is what my roommates said to me last night as we sat talking about life, love and everything in-between. Just a normal girls night at home. I knew that my roommates don't quite understand what I am doing in my pursuing a career as a writer, and I still don't quite understand what they don't get. Why I don't go out during the week? Why I spend all my free time at my computer or with a notebook constantly on me? Why I am going to a conference that will dry up my savings. Why I spend so much time reading?

As much as I tried to get out what exactly they don't understand, I got nothing back. Then again, when you are chatting with a few cocktails in you things don't always make sense. But hey I tried. Then again they are on a different place in life. I've found my passion and they are still in search of theirs in life.

So here is my attempt to explain the why's for all those who aren't writers and just don't understand.

For one I write because it's a release. Yes, I do have a bit of an overactive imagination and these characters become a bit of like an imaginary friends. They bug and bug you till you put them down on paper. Being able to put down your dreams and stories down on paper is therapeutic, in more ways than one. We all have issues and for me I'm able to work through some with the use of my characters.

Once you get a little peak of these characters, like real people, you become interested in wanting to know more. Wanting to know their back story. Wanting to know what is going to happen next. Why do they make the choices the way that they do. And so as a writer, I go on these journeys with them to share them with others.

Can't forget that they like to bug the living daylights out of me till I pay attention enough to them to put it down on paper. Sounds like a crazy person right? Well I guess all of us creative types are a bit off. But then who isn't.

Not to mention I love books. I love reading the genre's I write. I've always fallen deep into novels and movies since I was a child. Its not surprising that I'd still be in love with them as an adult. Coming up with stories now, isn't that surprising. I've even went to school to get my degree in film, because I wanted to be involved in creating worlds that others can fall into the I did growing up. Getting into writing just happened to be a detour of what I had originally thought I would go.

Producing, and literary agents, I place in a same category in my mind. They find these amazing stories and authors and champion them till they are alive for the rest of the world to enjoy as much as I do. And I want to be apart of that. I want to be apart of the process of bring something that started out as a little spark of an idea to become a novel or a movie. The fact that I started to write was just a bit of good luck on my part.

Taking a screenwriting class in hopes to understand writing more and become a better producer, I realized as an adult I love writing. Screenwriting I'm not so great at, but creative writing...that is where I can really lose myself. That is where I can work through things and create something that I think isn't out there yet. Something that I want to read.

Finding a new adventure is thrilling through the whole process. No matter how long I might work on it.

This is why I do it. It is something that I've discovered I love doing. Some people love working in an office. Writing computer code or working with animals. I love creating new worlds that people can enjoy as much as I had writing them. Weaving around the story and these characters lives and thoughts to create something.

Being able to explain why is so much harder than one might think. But to be able to do something I love, wither I get paid or not doesn't matter. I do it cause I enjoy it. Some people play video games to escape reality. I create a world on paper.

One day I hope to be able to make it a career, but for now I will spend my free time writing what I love.

For those non writers out there I do hope that this helps. For those newbie writers out there. I'm with you on people not quite understand, but your not alone. Keep writing and don't give up.

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