
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Burn out

This weekend happened to be my old rugby teams third annual Alumni game (or is it for the boys) so catching up with old college friends took priority over working on writing. Yes, I say my old team even though it's a mens club. Quick explanation...when the team was originally founded while I was in school there wasn't enough men or women to have separate teams so we were co-ed. That's right. I learned to play rugby side by side with the men. Us girls who stuck it out were pretty bad ass. We loved playing the sport and being held to the standards that the guys had only made up better players when we split off to play with the girls. Still we practiced with the boys then. This doesn't happen any more since both teams have enough players. So I still call them my team even though it's all men. lol. For the first time in a couple of months I set my writing a side while I'm still at home and decided that I need to not worry about the RWA conference coming up and getting my writing ready for my first conference and agent pitches. I admit only a few times did I get twitchy about putting pen to paper, but I'm starting to realize that you really do need to find a way to balance out the work with the play. Working a full time day job takes a lot of energy out of you, but when you put on top pursuing a writing career it takes even more time. Especially when you are serious about it. I know that it will take years to get to my goals and I'm trying to start good habits that I'd want to have when I'm able to write full time. That means writing every day. Or at least setting a schedule and sticking to it. Unfortunately with my stubborn determination I've become a bit of a hermit. Ok, maybe a bit more than a hermit. While my roommates and friends go out on weekdays I'm home working and trying to get a good nights sleep so that I can function properly while at the day job the next. Lack of sleep and working with numbers don't really mix. Add in being grumpy on top of that and it doesn't make for a good day. As for weekends well I'm in the more low key nights, where my roommates have different ideas of what to do. That being the case I usually decide to stay home and you guessed it work or read a good book. Which I guess you can say is a form of work (but is it still work if you enjoy what you are doing?). Upside it means that I'm also saving money so that I an afford a car that isn't as old as I am. So, with this weekend, being full of friends in town as well as a book sale at the Center for Sex & Culture with my sister, there would be little time to work on edits or a new manuscript. Now I'm sitting here feeling poorer from going out, but refreshed. It was amazing seeing my old group of friends that we would hang out practically every weekend at my old apartment. Though I now remember why I don't drink so much and that rugby players can definitely hold the mass quantities of booze that they drink. Realization had struck that if I keep up this pace of hermithood then I'm going to end up burning out. And my writing career is only just starting. I don't want to end up hating something that I love doing. No matter how long and hard it might be at times, I love every second of it. Writing is a labor of love that us writers get to share with the rest of the world. With that realization that some times it's good to walk away and take a break, I've decided to start doing that more often. Plus watching rugby had me missing it like crazy and once again confirm that I need to get my butt back in shape. That being said I'm making a belated new years resolution. Find a balance of work and play. So on weekends I'm allowed to go out and have fun. Just means that I'm going to start waking up early to work out and write. What better way to start the day by getting the blood pumping while clearing your head to create worlds for people to enjoy. Not sure yet how I'm going to balance this during the work week yet, but weekends are for fun, working out and in the down time writing. It's possible to do it all! I know it is. Just have to do some trial and error to find out what will work best for me. And with that I'm off to make some more edits. Feels like that's all I'm doing, but in the end the edits is where the book takes shape. The rough draft is just the foundation. I'm going to take all the time I need to get my work, not perfect, but feeling right. As of right now Mackenzie Falls is starting more and more to feel right. That means it's almost done. Till next time! And get to writing! I know I am.

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