
Sunday, May 20, 2012

That Just Happened

Today's blog is just going to be a quick update about things that have been happening in my life, instead of just focusing on writing. So, lets get to it shall we? For the past month I've been looking into replacing my old car. A car that the passenger door that wont open unless you turn the key in the lock while lifting the door handle, drivers window that is stuck open an inch, no stereo and so much more. Well after more research than I know what to do with I've finally figured out what car I was going to go with. Being as this would be the first time I've bought a car, and I'm doing it alone the whole process was stressful and overwhelming. So after bribing a guy friend of mine to go test drive a car during my lunch break on Friday, I knew I could do the rest alone. And well I did. Saturday I test drove my second choice of a car and did a breakdown of cost. With the help of the awesome Esther I was able to walk out of there with a new car. Let me tell you people who are car hunting go with the internet sales person for as long as you can. I ended up getting a more than amazing price, while helping keep my nerves about the whole process to a minimum. I can now say that I've bought a car that I wanted, by myself, and have no regrets on the big purchase. It's still a bit surreal that I bought a brand new 2012 Hyundai Elentra Touring. And yes I did squeal in the car when I was driving home. Now I just have to come up with a name for the dark granite grey hatch back. I like Jax, but still open to other names. Along with a new car in the garage I now have to call the charity that I'm donating my old car to, I had finished the first through edit of Mackenzie Falls. On top of that a good friend helping me edit by going through to make sure that it flows just right. already I've sent her the first three chapters that I've already went through for what I'm sure wont be the last time. This round of edits has definitely gone faster than the last. I lied about not talking about writing. I'm finally keeping up with the work hard play hard. And with everyday we are getting one step closer to the RWA 2012 conference and I can't wait to go. Now I'm off back to work...and maybe go drive me new car. It still hasn't sunk in yet that it's mine. But it is. =)

1 comment:

  1. OMG.... perfect name: USS Enterprise. Sleek body, grey in color, and made to go where no man has gone before! I mean... you already have a Jean Luke. Why not have the ship to go with him?
