
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Behind Schedule

For the past few weeks I've been trying to stick to a new writing schedule to be able to accomplish everything. You know with the editing of two books, writing a third as well as keeping up two blogs, while being able to read a book to review for said second blog. Yeah that's a lot to do on top of a full time job.

Anyways, it had been going great. I got a book read and was making some great progress on the writing and editing front. Then my discipline was put to a real test. I got a rejection letter and I had family in town for a roller derby tourney my sister was skating in for three days. And it all went to crap.

I got some pages read in between bouts, but productivity was very low. Total bummer, but I did have a good time watching my sister skate and her team getting a bid to nationals.

So, now it's time to get back into action and focus. That means getting back on schedule, sticking to the plan and getting it done, even if it is the busiest time of the month at my day job which means staying late.


Ok taking a deep breath. Writing is fun and I don't have a real deadline for any of my novels, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to get into the good habits of a full time novelist. And to do that means that you have to put in the time and effort into it. But it also means that I need to also find a way to balance real life into a busy work schedule. Which is harder than it sounds.

With that being said...I'm back at it.

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