
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Purple Hair

This post is going to have nothing to do with writing, books or anything publishing. Shocking I know. Instead I will talk about how every once and a while you need to do something for yourself, spoil yourself and change things up.

After having visited my sister a little over a month ago for her engagement party, we had talked about wedding plans of what the bridesmaids will wear and how they should have their hair. One of the things that was decided was that the dresses are going to be silver with accents of accessories in purple. This lead to a suggestion of getting a purple ombre.

What is a purple ombre you ask? Well you start with one color at the roots and it fades into several different other colors. In this case from brown to several shades of purple. The idea that with my hair for the wedding will be braided down into a side low ponytail into curls, that it will be an epic fade into purple curls over my shoulder. And it will look epic.

With the okay from the bride to be, I went to my stylist and we plotted and planed for when I would dye it to make sure that we all would like it before the actual wedding day.  And well.....I did it. I now have purple hair!

I know it sounds weird, but it actually looks really cool and as contradictory as it might sound, it has a natural progression, like a waterfall.

Can't quite see it too well, but you get the gist of what it looks like. This was when I got back from the salon, super late at home with horrible lighting. I'll have to post another pic in better light later.

After having a few years of my natural hair color switching it up felt amazing. I know purple is different and most people go for a more natural color, but I mean why not purple. It's different, but still yet has a natural feel to it. I still find that I forget that my hair is purple, but I like it. Along with some new much needs outfits it's amazing how much a little change and spoiling yourself can boost your self-confidence. 

Having a bad day? Go spoil yourself a little. Maybe switch things up a little to get out of a rut. I know I'm happy I gave myself purple hair, even if I did do it for a wedding. Deep down, I needed to add a little color in my life and well the wedding is just an excuse for a much needed mix up.

I have to admit, purple hair is kind of awesome. I didn't think I could pull it off, but I can. And I still find it amusing at some of the looks I get. A lot of people have given me compliments, but other times you can tell that they don't get it. In the end it doesn't matter what other people think, as long as you feel great you look great. And it took me the purple hair to remember that. I don't know how long I'm going to keep it, but I am going to keep it for most likely a year or so before going back to a natural color. And till then I'm going to work it! :)

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