
Saturday, October 5, 2013


Last week I got a phone call from my sister that went like this:

Ty: I have prizes I'm going to send you.
Me: Ok, cool let me know when you send it.
Ty: OMG you are going to love! It's amazing, but I'm not going to tell you what it is.
Me: Ok.
Ty: I'm going to tell you.
Me: NOOOOOO! I don't want to know that's what a surprise is. You're not supposed to know what it is.
Me: Don't make me hang up the phone on you.
Ty: Fine, but it's so sweet. I'm going to give you hints.
Me: Don't even start. Last time you did that I guess what it was before it even got here. I want it to be a surprise.
Ty: Fine, how's writing going? (Whispers) I prize totally has to do with writing.

Well after finally convincing her to stop talking about anything about the package she was sending. Well, it finally arrived and I busted up laughing. And of course I had to share. Cause well, who doesn't like prizes from family that has an inside joke that all Laurel K. Hamilton fans will understand.

Sigmond and Fraud the mugs. 
These are just meant as any other mug. There is an inside joke that goes with these. Ty introduced me to Laurell K. Hamilton books years ago. And if you have read any of the Anita Blake books you know that Anita has a thing for penguins. I'm talking stuffed Penguin and snarky penguin mugs.

As soon as I read her work, I was hooked and have read everything she's written since. Her work and the way that she interacts with her fans is something that both Ty and I have talked about and how Hamilton has become a writer idol to me. She makes no excuses for who she is and what she writes. You either like her or you don't. And I love that my sister understands my love of books.

Sometimes it's amazing just how much a small random thing can make a long week better. Thank sis for the awesome prize!

Do you guys have an favorite author and character that has a fun quirk? Like having a soft spot for penguins.

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