
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Where the Work Really Begins

This past week I've been thinking a lot about the process of not only writing but of publishing. And writing that draft that is just clean enough to send off to the editor is only the first real step before all the work really begins. Especially if you are a first timer.

You write a first draft? awesome. You got through edits on your own as best you can get it? Even better. Got it sent to the right editor for you if you're going the self publishing route? High five. Now what do you do while you are waiting to get the revisions back? You get back to work instead of sitting on your hands waiting for what you need to fix, that's what. You also have to get ready for your release.

So, what exactly does that mean? It means it's time to come up with the official Title, the cover art, get your website up and running, you find your copy editor and all the other business aspects that a publishing house would do, if you are self publishing. Thinking about all of it is a little overwhelming if you ask me. But it's something that you have to get done if you want to do it the "right" way. And I want to do it the "right" way. If you want to make this your career you have to treat everything like a business, and that's exactly what this is my business.

I've set the bar at which I want to obtain and it's possible. I've looked at the whole picture, and breaking it down in to pieces make everything do able. Instead of seeing EVERYTHING, I see it in priorities. One thing that needs to be done at a time to be able to place it together. This makes the overwhelming process less intimidating.

Where am I in the whole where the work really begins process? I'm in the don't freak out and get to work part. Also known as writing the next book, searching for a copy editor, narrowing down which cover artist I want to use, and of course the waiting part. My editor officially has my manuscript and I'm trying to not think about all the good changes he is going to suggest.

Please not that I did say good changes. I fully expect my manuscript to be torn apart. Is it going to hurt? Fuck yes it is, but that's the point of the whole thing. You find someone who is going to help you tear it down to rebuild the whole thing into something better. You need that unbiased person that is there to make your work better. Cause no one is perfect. No one writes that perfect book right out the gate. It takes a team to develop a truly good novel. The author is only the starting point. And I think I'm starting to create a good team.

While it's my first time working with everyone it's a starting point, but I am a firm believer in following your gut instinct. And mine is telling me I'm heading in the right direction with the people that I'm choosing to work with.

Well, I better get back at it. After a few days off it's time to get back to work. Cause it's always easier to keep progress moving than coming to a stand still to restart again. Once you stop, it's always harder to start back up again, in my own opinion. That's when the doubt you fought off come back with a vengeance.

I'm so excited for this whole process and being able to share it with you all. Keep your ears open for announcements and details of how my journey is going. That's exactly what this is, a journey of a life time that not everyone gets to experience.

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