
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 2 of NaNoWriMo

As most of you know November is national novel writing month. It's a challenge for the anyone to take to write 50,000 words in 30 days. That's right, 1,667 words a day. No editing needed, just write to get your word count done. I think it's a great writing workout personally cause it makes you get into the habit of writing daily. That way once NaNo is done you can make every month NaNo month, cause you are already in the habit of writing everyday.

Today is day 2 of 30. I've reached day one goal of just 1,800 words and I'm hoping to bypass that today and tomorrow with it being the weekend. In hopes to find more productive time writing I've started waking up earlier going straight for the coffee maker so fallowed by my computer.

Wait you're waking up early? Yes, around 4am if I can. I know I'm a crazy person, but I'm also going to bed earlier so that I can get a goodnights sleep. Though that doesn't seem to help keep my goofy/loopy side in check during the week day. On the upside I feel more awake through out the day. then again that could also be cause I've been taking essential oils for vitamins and there other uses.

Anyways, since I've found that writing in the dark with only the light of my laptop helps me block out the world enough for work to be busted out like none other, I'm trying to take advantage of it, since not only am I working on a new manuscript for NaNo, but I'm working on an edit for another to be able to get it to my editor sooner than later.

With that being said it's time to get back to work so that hopefully in the not too far off future you can actually read a book of mine. Cause it's going to happen, so you better get ready for it. Till then I will write ALL the words only to later to keep some of the words.

Good luck to all my fellow NaNo writers, go write! What are you doing still reading things when you should be writing?

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